
nippy [ˈnɪpi]  [ˈnɪpi] 

nippy 基本解释


形容词冷飕飕的; (天气)寒冷的; 敏捷的; 动作快的

nippy 网络解释

1. 刺骨的:Nipponese 日本人 | nippy 刺骨的 | nipup 跃身站立

2. 刺骨的/凛冽的/锐利的:nipponese /日本人/ | nippy /刺骨的/凛冽的/锐利的/ | nirvana /涅盘/天堂/

3. (好动的):zippy (敏捷的) | nippy (好动的) | drippy (滴口水的)

4. 有点冷:chilly -- 寒冷的 | nippy -- 有点冷 | freezing -- 冰冻的

nippy 词典解释

1. 刺骨的;寒冷的
    If the weather is nippy, it is rather cold.

    e.g. It could get suddenly nippy in the evenings.

2. 迅速的;敏捷的
    If you describe something or someone as nippy, you mean that they can move very quickly over short distances.

    e.g. This nippy new car has fold down rear seats...
    e.g. Barnaby may be 15, but he's nippy and suited to badminton.

nippy 单语例句

1. His second effort on 34 minutes was sublime as the nippy winger scored with a sumptuous chip over Amelia.

2. Northerners probably don't need reminding that it's been a bit nippy recently.

3. He couldn't estimate what the auction might bring, but said any excess money will go to Nippy.

4. nippy在线翻译

4. As the whether gets colder and the wind turns nippy, it's time to get ready for winter.

nippy 英英释义



1. pleasantly cold and invigorating

    e.g. crisp clear nights and frosty mornings
           a nipping wind
           a nippy fall day
           snappy weather

    Synonym: crisp frosty nipping snappy

2. a sharp biting taste

    e.g. a nippy cheese
