
nipping ['nɪpɪŋ]  [ˈnɪpɪŋ] 

nipping 基本解释


形容词刺骨的; 压平; 夹住; 尖酸刻薄的

nipping 网络解释


1. 刺骨的:nipper 镊子 | nipping 刺骨的 | nipple 乳头

2. 挤冰:nippers 扎绳;缆夹 | nipping 挤冰 | nipple bent piece 管的弯曲接头

3. 刺人肌肤的:nippers 吊石夹钳 | nipping 刺人肌肤的 | nipplemamillamammillapapillateats 乳头

4. 尖酸的,剌骨的:nippers 钳子,镊子 | nipping 尖酸的,剌骨的 | nirvana 心灵的平静,解脱

nipping 单语例句

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1. Cui will have to ride out the popularity of the film before the paparazzi stop nipping at his heels.

2. Crabs with rubber bands around their nippers to immobilise their nipping but not their sideways movement.

3. Unless this is done, nipping problems in the bud cannot succeed.

4. It should keep nipping the problems at the bud, no matter how many of them keep surfacing.

5. With a new generation of stars nipping at her heels, she is astute enough not to bank on lucky breaks.

6. Their concerns were mostly based on the logic that interfering with radical ideology equates to nipping innovation in the bud.


7. UNITED NATIONS - Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi on Thursday urged UN members to devote more attention and resources to nipping conflict in the bud.

nipping 英英释义


1. nipping

1. pleasantly cold and invigorating

    e.g. crisp clear nights and frosty mornings
           a nipping wind
           a nippy fall day
           snappy weather

    Synonym: crisp frosty nippy snappy

2. capable of wounding

    e.g. a barbed compliment
           a biting aphorism
           pungent satire

    Synonym: barbed biting pungent mordacious
