night school

night school [nait sku:l]  [naɪt skul] 

night school 基本解释


night school 反义词

名词day school

night school 网络解释

night school

1. 夜校来源:考试大:boarding school 寄宿制学校 | night school 夜校来源:考试大 | adult school 成人进修学校

2. 恐怖夜校:Night Porter,the 狂爱 | Night School 恐怖夜校 | Night Shift 消魂大夜班

3. 夜校来源:中国考试网:boarding school 寄宿制学校 | night school 夜校来源:中国考试网 | adult school 成人进修学校

night school 词典解释

1. 夜校
    Someone who goes to night school does an educational course in the evenings.

    e.g. People can go out to work in the daylight hours and then come to night school in the evening.

night school 单语例句

1. School administrators said two of the couples'grades had suffered as a result, while the third couple reportedly snuck off campus for a whole night.

2. The individual school ceremonies continued the theme of striking a balance between celebration and sorrow that began with a university commencement event Friday night.

3. Many students living far from school slept in the classroom that night.

4. The father said his youngest child didn't sleep the whole night and refused to go to school the second day.

5. The boys told friends after that night's high school football game that they had seen the Beatles in Walnut Ridge.

6. And those school kids just run wild on a night in the hotel.

7. The incident followed another on Tuesday night, in which one primary school student died and 21 others fell ill in Hubei Province.

8. A night manager for the Harkness Hall dorm at the school in southeastern Virginia was also hurt.

9. Also on that night, about 350 students were trapped inside a training school in the district.

10. The girl did not return home after a school activity on the night of September 15.

night school 英英释义



1. a school that holds classes in the evenings for students who cannot attend during the day
