
neve ['neveɪ]  [ne've] 

neve 基本解释


neve 网络解释

1. 粒雪:nevadite 斑烈 | neve 粒雪 | neve basin 粒雪盆

2. 冰原:Nevadan 内华达的 | neve 冰原 | never for a moment 决不

3. 英国,尼夫牌:Neumann 德国,纽曼牌 | Neve 英国,尼夫牌 | NIVICO 日本,星牌

neve 单语例句

1. Private NTV television showed the twisted wreckage of a car and a huge crater in front of the Neve Shalom.

2. One explosion went off outside the Neve Shalom synagogue, the city's largest.

3. neve

3. NTV television said a red car was seen parked just before the explosion in front of the Neve Shalom.

4. Neve Campbell has secretly filed for divorce from her husband of three years John Light.

neve 英英释义


1. the upper part of a glacier (beyond the limit of perpetual snow) where the snow turns to ice
