
netizen [ˈnetɪzn]  [ˈnɛtɪzən] 

netizen 基本解释
netizen 网络解释

1. 网络公民:对于一个信息的消费者,网络对于他而言与书刊报纸没有实质的区别,不过更容易获得信息而已,但对于一个网络公民(netizen)而言,它是探索自由的有力武器. 民主的弊端和毛病马上就可以让人看到并且指摘,但是其优点和长处却只有经过长期和耐心的观察才能看得出.

2. 网民, 网络冲浪者, 网络漫游者:???? network 网络 | ??? netizen 网民, 网络冲浪者, 网络漫游者 | ??? netiquette 网上礼节

3. 从事网络的人:netiquette 网上礼仪 | netizen 从事网络的人 | netlist 排线表列

netizen 单语例句

1. " Such sincerity and candor is hard to reject, " one netizen wrote.

2. A Beijing netizen need only click the two cartoon police if he or she wants to report malicious information or pornographic websites.

3. A netizen jokingly commented why not change the name of " primary schools " to " universities ".

4. Netizen is composed of two words, " net " and " citizen ".

5. A Chinese netizen wrote " it is always seen that mobs commit violence under the cloak of pursuing freedom and human rights ".

6. A netizen called " Mars Clover " even shouted out " the world is crazy that Beijing has a'Super Girl'monument ".

7. One netizen said licensed sites should expand their resources and offer more convenient services with high connection speeds and at reasonable prices.


8. Neighbors talked about him and a netizen even googled his shop online out and criticized him of " lack of conscience ".

9. A netizen named Li Ou said Chinese characters are deeply rooted in Chinese history, where the cultural preference for boys over girls is strong.

10. Wu even cursed a netizen who used dirty words against him on Tuesday.
