
nether [ˈneðə(r)]  [ˈnɛðɚ] 

nether 基本解释

形容词下面的; 下部的; 下界的; 地下的

名词阴间; 下层社会

nether 网络解释

1. 耐色:其它山区也给这些生物提供了巢穴,特别是峭崖岗(the Crags),灰峰山脉(the Graypeak)和耐色(Nether)山脉沿线地区(the Nether Range). 几个散布在四处的森林--其中绝大部分都是未被探索过的--也是如此.

2. 下方的:netful 满网 | nether 下方的 | Netherlander 荷兰人

3. 下部的:gadget 小玩意 | nether 下部的 | the nether region (幽默或正式) 阴间

4. 下面的:netgroup /网络用户组/ | nether /下面的/ | nethermost /最底下的/最下面的/

nether 词典解释

1. 下面的;下部的;地下的
    Nether means the lower part of a thing or place.

    e.g. He was escorted back to the nether regions of Main Street.

nether 单语例句

1. nether是什么意思

1. The local government is planning to invest 700 million yuan in building a " nether world ".

2. nether

2. After a quick examination of my nether regions I saw that these taunts were justified.

3. Nether the Bushes nor the Obamas spoke to reporters, and details about their meetings were few.

nether 英英释义


1. located below or beneath something else

    e.g. nether garments
           the under parts of a machine

    Synonym: under

2. dwelling beneath the surface of the earth

    e.g. nether regions

    Synonym: chthonian chthonic


3. lower

    e.g. gnawed his nether lip
