
negligible [ˈneglɪdʒəbl]  [ˈnɛɡlɪdʒəbəl] 

negligible 基本解释


形容词微不足道的; 可以忽略的; 无足轻重的; 不足轻重

negligible 相关例句


1. His knowledge of geography is negligible.

2. In buying a suit, a difference of ten cents in prices is negligible.

negligible 网络解释


1. 微不足道:如果只是一年绝食一两次, 就连短暂的减肥的效果都不会有, 或很微不足道(negligible), 因为身体会在绝食后立刻补冲, 甚至过分补冲制造(over compensate)失去了的(被透支用了的)体内脂肪.

2. 忽略:澳大利亚在有害生物风险评估中,基于概率的矩阵判断法,进行了半定量的风险评估,将可能性(概率)分为6个等级,即高(high)、中(moderate)、低(low)、非常低(very low)、极端低(extremely low)和可忽略(negligible).

3. 可忽视的:21) negligent 忽视的, 粗心大意的 | negligible 可忽视的 | 22) momentary 瞬时的, 短时的

4. 可以忽略的:negligible 可以忽略的 | negotiability 可转让性 | negotiable 可协商的

negligible 词典解释

1. 微不足道的;可忽略不计的
    An amount or effect that is negligible is so small that it is not worth considering or worrying about.

    e.g. The pay that the soldiers received was negligible...
    e.g. Senior managers are convinced that the strike will have a negligible impact.

negligible 单语例句

1. Japan agreed to waive tests for cattle under 21 months because experts say that risk of infection among cows that age is negligible.

2. Even with a negligible increase in sales, company profits surged due to cost reductions and increases in its cellphone business.

3. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

3. Those subjects falsely recognized 88 percent of the theme words, whereas after a good sleep and daytime wakefulness false memory rate was negligible.

4. Asian financial institutions'negligible exposure to the West's toxic assets also means that governments are not under duress to shore up their banking systems.

5. negligible什么意思

5. The ginkgo has medicinal properties as well, while its economic value is not negligible.

6. For factory farms, the costs of following the procedures for the system would be negligible.

7. negligible在线翻译

7. Now we have fastidious packaging that wraps around trinkets with negligible value.

8. negligible什么意思

8. Australian firms are currently free to do business in North Korea, although trade is negligible.

9. The right place points to the fact that the two countries are geographically close, making travel between them easy and the time difference negligible.

10. negligible的意思

10. The negligible compensation of 800 yuan betrays gross inconsideration on the part of the government, especially in the implementation of this policy.

negligible 英英释义



1. negligible的反义词

1. so small as to be meaningless

    e.g. the effect was negligible

2. not worth considering

    e.g. he considered the prize too paltry for the lives it must cost
           piffling efforts
           a trifling matter

    Synonym: paltry trifling
