
needle [ˈni:dl]  [ˈnidl] 


needle 基本解释

名词针; 针状物; <口>刺激性言行

及物动词用针缝,刺; 刺激,激怒; <俚>增加(饮料的)酒精含量


needle 相关词组

1. hit the needle : 击中要害;

2. on the needle : 注射毒品成瘾;

needle 相关例句



1. Joe needled the boys into a fight.

2. He needled the blisters on his feet until they burst.


1. The needle of the compass shows that we're facing south.

2. She used a needle to sew the button onto the shirt.

needle 网络解释

1. 针:他的第一部长篇小说<<针>>(Needle)于1949年在同一本杂志上连载;长篇小说<<透过针眼>>(Through the Eye of a Needle,1978)与<<针>>是姊妹篇,这是两部科幻侦探小说.

2. 指针:语法: string strstr ( string haystack, string needle) 返回从字符串指针(needle)到字符串(haystack)结束处的字符串. 如果没有返回值,即没有发

3. 缝针:①单管吸引头图 1-26 ②套管吸引头 吸引管九,缝针(Needle) 缝针是用于各种组织缝合的器械,它由三个基本部分组成,即针尖,针体和针眼.针尖按形 状分为园头,三角头及铲头三种:针体有近园形,三角形及铲形三种.针眼是可供引线的孔,

4. 织针:针织物(knitted fabric):针织物是由织针(needle)将纱线弯曲成线圈(loop),并使之相互串套连接而形成的片状集合物. 它的结构单元是线圈,其中每行横向排列的线圈称线圈横列;纵向排列的线圈称线圈纵列. 由一根纱线顺序逐针形成的称为纬编针织物;

needle 词典解释

1. 缝衣针;针
    A needle is a small, very thin piece of polished metal which is used for sewing. It has a sharp point at one end and a hole in the other for a thread to go through.

2. 编织针;棒针
    Knitting needles are thin sticks that are used for knitting. They are usually made of plastic or metal and have a point at one end.


3. 注射针;针头
    A needle is a thin hollow metal rod with a sharp point, which is part of a medical instrument called a syringe. It is used to put a drug into someone's body, or to take blood out.

4. (针灸疗法用的)银针,金针
    A needle is a thin metal rod with a point which is put into a patient's body during acupuncture.

5. (唱机的)唱针
    On a record player, the needle is the small pointed device that touches the record and picks up the sound signals.

    e.g. She took the needle off the record and turned the lights out.

6. 911查询·英语单词

6. (仪表上的)指针
    On an instrument which measures something such as speed or weight, the needle is the long strip of metal or plastic on the dial that moves backwards and forwards, showing the measurement.

    e.g. She kept looking at the dial on the boiler. The needle had reached 250 degrees.

7. (杉树、松树等的)针叶
    The needles of a fir or pine tree are its thin, hard, pointed leaves.

    e.g. The carpet of pine needles was soft underfoot.

8. 刺激;惹…发火;(尤指)不断数落
    If someone needles you, they annoy you continually, especially by criticizing you.

    e.g. Blake could see he had needled Jerrold, which might be unwise.

9. see also: pins and needles
    like looking for a needle in a haystack -> see haystack

needle 单语例句

1. The furious dad stormed round to the butcher who supplied the meat with the syringe needle.

2. needle

2. He now donates blood so frequently that a thick callus has appeared on his arm where the needle is inserted.

3. needle什么意思

3. It's when we're sick and our bodies are craving comfort that we should inflict more pain through acupuncture's needle pricks or cupping's flaming bruises.

4. The Chinese traditional medical treatment of acupuncture or piercing the body with a needle is a treatment which focuses on the inside from the outside.


5. Inserting a needle at the correct acupuncture point can maximize your pet's potential.

6. Jiang Bingxin came to know of traditional Chinese needle therapy when her father was cured by a veteran acupuncturist in 2006.

7. His affair with the graceful art of needle work began in 1949, and most of his collection are pieces from Jianshui.

8. Or that a plastic surgeon with limited flying hours could thread the needle between crumbling buildings with a commuter jet.

9. His freshly removed head had been neatly reattached using his stolen needle and thread, which lay beside the corpse.

10. needle的解释

10. I felt the needle go deeper and deeper into my tear duct.

needle 英英释义


1. needle的解释

1. a sharp pointed implement (usually steel)

2. a slender pointer for indicating the reading on the scale of a measuring instrument

3. a stylus that formerly made sound by following a groove in a phonograph record

    Synonym: phonograph needle

4. the leaf of a conifer

    Synonym: acerate leaf


1. needle的反义词

1. goad or provoke,as by constant criticism

    e.g. He needled her with his sarcastic remarks

    Synonym: goad

2. prick with a needle
