neck or nothing
铤而走险; 拼命地, 孤注一掷地
1. 铤而走险,拼命:do or die 决一死战 | neck or nothing 铤而走险,拼命 | make or mar 成功或失败
2. 铤而走险地:neck down 收缩 | neck or nothing 铤而走险地 | neck 脖子
3. 孤注一掷:13. 沧海一粟 a drop in the ocean | 14. 孤注一掷 Neck or nothing | 15. 一报还一报. One good turn deserves another.
4. 拼命地,不顾一切地,孤注一掷:They ran neck and neck to the very end. 他们不分前后一直跑到终点. | neck or nothing拼命地,不顾一切地,孤注一掷: | He makes money neck or nothing. 他拼命地挣钱.