near at hand

near at hand [niə æt hænd]  [nɪr æt hænd] 

near at hand 基本解释
near at hand 网络解释

1. 在手边, 在附近 即将到来, 迫近:marry with the left hand 贵族男子和非贵族女子结婚; 和身分低的女人结婚 | near at hand 在手边, 在附近 即将到来, 迫近 | not much of a hand at 对某事不熟练, 无经验; 不内行

2. 近在咫尺:near and dear 极亲密的 | near at hand 近在咫尺 | near beer 淡啤酒

3. 在手边;在近旁;不久,即将到来,不久的将来:Allen by is the most near and dear friend of mine. 艾伦比是我最亲密的朋友. | near at hand在手边;在近旁;不久,即将到来,不久的将来: | There is a restaurant near at hand. 附近有一家餐馆.

4. 临近:narrow down变窄,变狭小 | near at hand临近 | near by在附近,靠近

near at hand 单语例句

1. The ability to take as analogy what is near at hand can be called the method of humanity.
