
Neanderthal [nɪ'ændətɑ:l]  [nɪ'ændərtɑ:l] 

Neanderthal 基本解释
Neanderthal 网络解释


1. 尼安德塔:(见书末编者注) 1856年,在德国尼安德塔(neanderthal)山谷中第一次发现了尼安德塔人的骸骨. 以后在其他地方又有同样的发现,因而大大增进了我们对尼安德塔人的了解. 这些化石 说明尼安德塔人头大而扁平,眉峰凸出,面孔粗糙,

2. 马修-哈里逊 饰:本-加兰特 饰 Orville Wright | 派崔克-盖勒 饰 Attila the Hun | 马修-哈里逊 饰 Neanderthal

3. 穴居人的:ne'er-do-well 没用的人 | Neanderthal 穴居人的 | neanthropic 现存人类的

4. 陈旧的:dirt-tracks 煤渣跑道 | Neanderthal 陈旧的 | trunk 长线

Neanderthal 单语例句

1. In a development which could reveal the links between modern humans and their prehistoric cousins, scientists said yesterday they have mapped a first draft of the Neanderthal genome.


2. Any Neanderthal woman could have beaten former bodybuilder and current California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger in an arm wrestle.

3. McAllister said a Neanderthal woman had 10 percent more muscle bulk than modern European man.

4. " The bones are also fully compatible with the blending of modern human and Neanderthal populations, " he said.

5. The news did not come as a surprise to one leading scholar of Neanderthal evolution and biology.
