1. 自然平衡:(三)营造优质经营环境,配合地区重点特色,发展文化生态旅游:由於原住民族地区有独特的人文、自然生态及生物多样性等资源,是发展生态旅游之重要凭藉,因此在严格限制自然平衡(natural balance)的原则下,使部落周边河川、森林、野生动物等受到重视及保育,
2. 雪山:本周稍早,另外两家宠物食品公司,雪山(Natural Balance)与Blue Buffalo,也宣布回收使用受污染的大米浓缩蛋白制造的猫狗饲料. 州政府兽医布瑞特梅尔说,北加州西瑞尔斯的美国猪舍的七份尿液样本与两份饲料样本的检验结果,全都对化学物质呈阳性反应.
3. 美国雪山:吾爱吾宠商贸公司目前为韩国P.S.系列洗护用品、美国哈利贝贝营养保健品、美食传说宠物罐头、美国雪山 (Natural Balance)香波、道格(荣信)宠物用品、Peppets宠物零食的北京总代理商,并经销美国克莉丝汀森香波、美国医仕高、法国维克、荷兰威霸系列营养保健品,
4. 生态平衡:NATO 北大西洋公约组织 | natural balance 生态平衡 | nervous system 神经系统
1. He said that China will encourage the exploitation of natural gas including international oilfields, nuclear power and other new sorts of energies to balance supply structures.
2. Industries are also facing price hikes in fuels and raw materials, so it is only natural for them to raise prices to balance their higher costs.
3. In particular, it is feared that the dam has upset the balance of the natural environment.
4. The overuse of pesticides killed many insects, affecting the natural balance and allowing wasp numbers to grow.
5. He added a balance had to be struck to assuage natural concerns over freedom of speech.
6. Local authorities have attached great importance to striking a balance between preservation and reasonable use of the rich natural resources.
7. It needs to be itself, and keep a balance between its natural beauty and artistic ideals.
8. These areas need to find a natural balance and not be driven exclusively by money.
9. natural balance的翻译
9. It aims to bring balance between the human world, the natural world and the spiritual realm.
10. The report aims to provide insights that can help business leaders better balance economic growth with responsible management of natural resources.