1. 臀:natality 出生率 | nates 臀 | natimortality 死产率
2. 臀部:natch 当然地 | nates 臀部 | natheless 虽然如此
3. 内蕴坐标:机械工程(包括机械工程学专业词汇)G-J | nates 内蕴坐标 | intrinsic defect 固有缺陷
4. 腰;上丘;壳顶:漏斗耳蝠 Natalus stramineus | 腰;上丘;壳顶 nates | 玉螺科 NATICIDAE
1. the fleshy part of the human body that you sit on
e.g. he deserves a good kick in the butt
are you going to sit on your fanny and do nothing?
Synonym: buttocks arse butt backside bum buns can fundament hindquarters hind end keister posterior prat rear rear end rump stern seat tail tail end tooshie tush bottom behind derriere fanny ass