nasal consonant

nasal consonant [ˈneɪzəl ˈkɔnsənənt]  [ˈnezəl ˈkɑnsənənt] 

nasal consonant 基本解释

[电] 鼻发子音

nasal consonant 网络解释


1. 鼻发子音:(波形)缩狭电路 narrowing circuit | 鼻发子音 nasal consonant | 美国太空总署 National Aeronautics and Space Administration; NASA

2. 鼻辅音:nasal cavity 鼻腔 | nasal consonant 鼻辅音 | nasal plosion 鼻爆破

nasal consonant 双语例句

nasal consonant的意思

1. Conflicts between statements and transcriptions of this kind will be discussed further below4, the gestures for consecutive stops overlap, so that stops are unexploded when they occur before another stop in words 5, in many accents of English, syllable final/p, t/are accompanied by an overlapping glottal stop gesture, as in pronunciations of tip, (this is another case where transcription cannot fully describe what is going on)6, in many accents of english, /t/is replaced by a glottal stop when it occurs before an alveolar nasal in the same word7, nasals are syllabic at end of a word when immediately after an obstruentNote that we cannot say that nasals become syllabic whenever they occur at the end of a word and after a consonant. the nasals in kils, film are not syllabicity of /l/by saying simply.8, the lateral /l/ is syllabic at the end of aword when immediately after a consonant.
    之间的冲突的声明和抄录这种将进一步讨论见下文) 4 ,连续的姿态站重叠,因此,车站未发生时之前停止在另一个字 5 ,在许多口音的英语,音节最后/磷,吨/年的同时,重叠喉塞音的姿态,在发音的提示,(这是另一个情况下,转录不能完全说明是怎么回事) 6 ,在许多口音的英语,/吨/年是取而代之的是一个喉塞音发生时肺泡鼻前的同一个词 7日,鼻骨的音节在一个单词的结尾时后立即obstruent 请注意,我们不能说鼻骨成为音节何时何地发生在一个单词的结尾之后consonant.the鼻骨在kils ,电影不是syllabicity的/升/说简单。8 ,横向/升/是音节在年底时aword后立即辅音。

2. Articulated by lowering the soft palate so that air resonates in the nasal cavities and passes out the nose, as in the pronunciation of the nasal consonant sm(n, andor the nasalized vowel of French bon.

3. Ng is a velar nasal consonant, or a back nasal consonant.

4. Ai, ua, iao; (3)nasal finals which consist of one or two vowlels and a nasal consonant's eg.

5. 3Nasal finals which consist of one or two vowlels and a nasal consonant's eg. an, üan, eng, iong.

6. The negative transfer of Chinese; nasal effort; brief consonant sound; stress-timed rhythm

nasal consonant的解释

7. Nasal finals. is a velar nasal consonant, or a back nasal consonant.

8. Nasal and corresponding same spot plosive, affricate and lateral sound vibrato combination nose crown sound initial consonant (20).

nasal consonant的反义词

9. Models of Stop, Nasal, and Fricative Consonant Production.


10. The part of the pharynx above the soft palate that is continuous with the nasal passages. pronounce a consonant with the tongue against the palate.

11. A Review and Commentary on the Study of Archaic Phonology Based on the Ancient Writing Materials; The Propositional? in Tibetan Script and the Propositional Nasal Consonant in Ancient Chinese

12. This article tries to demonstrate the phonetic system of Gao-chun Dialect, especially to describe three group of nasal consonant homonyms [m] [n] [η] which can act as syllables independently in Gao-chun Dialect, and also to analyze something related.

13. It is well known that two factors play an important, role for the phenomenon of nasal coda losing: (1) The shorter the duration of nasal consonant the easier the nasal coda will lose;

14. The same side approximant consonant and nose tail combination, stressed syllables in vowels than unstressed vowels in nasal degree.

nasal consonant的反义词

15. N is an alveolar nasal consonant or a front nasal consonant.

16. N is an alveolarnasal consonant or a front nasal consonant.
      an 是鼻韵母。-n是舌尖鼻音韵尾,也叫前鼻音韵尾。

nasal consonant 英英释义



1. a consonant produced through the nose with the mouth closed

    Synonym: nasal
