1. The list was narrowed down to 28 finalists from 77 nominees by a panel of experts over the course of the past year.
2. Thousands of submissions poured in to the magazine and Glamour narrowed them down to those most adaptable to a short film format.
3. The lowered rate for demand deposits can compensate the potential loss of banks for the overall narrowed margin between loans and deposits.
4. Liu said he expected the coming talks to reach some consensus but warned that differences would not be narrowed just through several rounds of talks.
5. The gap has been narrowed to $ 50 per cubic meter, as China raised its bid to $ 250.
6. Thus, the current difference between the interest rates of deposits and loans is narrowed.
7. It narrowed the definition of " state secrets, " boosting transparency and ensuring the people's right to know.
8. narrowed
8. She said a unified tax system is liable only when the income gap between urbanites and rural residents is narrowed to a reasonable degree.
9. The sources ascribed the import reduction to narrowed gap between supply and demand at home and price hikes on world grain markets.
10. The plan was chosen by a panel of experts from the Institute of Building Design from three finalists in narrowed down competition.
1. narrowed什么意思
1. made narrow
limited in breadth
e.g. narrowed arteries impair blood circulation
a narrowed view of the world
2. reduced in size as by squeezing together
e.g. his narrowed eyes