narrow escape

narrow escape [ˈnærəu isˈkeip]  [ˈnæro ɪˈskep] 

narrow escape 基本解释
narrow escape 网络解释

narrow escape的反义词

1. 九死一生:371. my treat我请客 | 372. narrow escape九死一生 | 374. next door 隔壁的,在隔壁

2. 九死一生,死里逃生:not any more 不再;再也不;不再存在;不再有更多的 | narrow escape 九死一生,死里逃生 | natural gas 天然气

3. 九死一生 幸免于难:17 corn mint 薄荷 . | 18 narrow escape 九死一生 幸免于难. | 19 oral contraceptive 口服避孕药.

4. 险些没逃出 for 按...名字取名 | 405.narrow escape 险些没逃出 | nature 天生地

narrow escape 单语例句

1. At other moments, he smiled as he narrated how they had a narrow escape.

2. narrow escape什么意思

2. Helplessly, he climbed a big tree and had a narrow escape until a hunter passed by.


3. Jet Li says a narrow escape from death triggered his founding of a charity organization.

4. narrow escape

4. A Beijing woman had a narrow escape after she swallowed 10 seeds of love pea out of curiosity recently.

5. narrow escape的翻译

5. Yao's 25 points and 12 rebounds certainly laid a foundation for the Rockets to escape with a narrow win at Staple Center in Los Angeles.

6. narrow escape

6. What they found was a strange animal struggling to escape after it had become caught in a narrow fence.

7. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

7. He saw a man trying to escape with her bag and cornered the thief in a narrow lane of a residential district in the city.

8. His narrow escape has made him a better person, relatives and friends said.

9. narrow escape的反义词

9. The street is not very secure due to the many narrow lanes connecting to it, which make it easy for criminals to escape.

narrow escape 英英释义


1. something achieved (or escaped) by a narrow margin

    Synonym: close call close shave squeak squeaker
