
narrator [nəˈreɪtə(r)]  [nəˈreɪtər] 


narrator 基本解释



narrator 相关例句


1. He is the narrator of the documentary.

2. He listens and waits for the narrator to explain more.

narrator 网络解释


1. 讲述者:在整个过程中,媒介所扮演的角色可以概括为故事讲述者 ( narrator )、公共舞台 ( public stage ) 和议程建构者 ( agenda-builder ) . 媒介首先是一个故事的讲述 者,当代中国的传媒在报导消费者运动时,并没有仅仅局限于对官方运动组织所开展的活动的报导,

2. 旁白:影片前半部分无甚戏剧冲突且人物单一,布努埃尔用旁白(narrator)讲述鲁滨逊心境(因无人对话无法以对白形式表达内心),甚至解释人物动作,让我想起费穆的<<小城之春>>(如:她坐下;她走路).

narrator 单语例句

1. A narrator on the tape said the captive would be killed if the United States did not free jailed Iraqis.

2. The book's narrator tells of his carefree days with three buddies among the farmlands or at school.

3. narrator的反义词

3. Soon after he starts hearing a phantom narrator recounting his life, he learns that its final chapter is soon to be written.

4. While teens may identify with the book's disillusioned narrator, her constant complaints may be too tedious for adult readers.

5. Zhan was a fine narrator as he vividly described the daily lives of the villagers, jotting down the traditional knowledge and experience of the village people.

6. The man serves as the narrator and moral center of " Bridge, " and Michael Cristofer plays him with a fierce sense of right and wrong.

7. " secret police " in an unidentified Arab country, according to the narrator.

8. The video also shows al Qaeda forces training in Afghanistan and another Arab country that is not identified specifically by the narrator.

9. The program will incorporate a character narrator to help the audience recognize and appreciate the individual musical pieces.

10. Zeng said a narrator has to watch a film several times and conduct research before he can do his work properly.

narrator 英英释义


1. someone who tells a story

    Synonym: storyteller teller
