1. 自恋狂:33.自恋狂(narcissism)--老人表现得对自己极度崇拜. 工作员应提供老人一些活动机会去达到成就感,对事而非对人. 34.着魔(obsession)--同强迫性行为差不多,唯一分别是案主一生都受此影响. 工作员人要尝试把案主的意念从萦徊之事物转移至相关的活动上,
1. 自我陶醉;孤芳自赏;自恋
Narcissism is the habit of always thinking about yourself and admiring yourself.
e.g. Those who suffer from narcissism become self-absorbed or chronic show-offs.
1. At the opposite end of the spectrum from narcissism is the malady known as body dysmorphic disorder.
2. We're in an age of narcissism and commodification of everything, including intimacy.
3. A computer analysis of three decades sees a significant trend toward narcissism and hostility in hit songs.
4. One of the best has Allen declare he was born to the Jewish persuasion but later converted to Narcissism.
5. Narcissism is never a good thing, and too much narcissism will drive you mad.
6. Despite their differences in many aspects, they have a common characteristic - narcissism.
7. At the very least, his is a case of morbid narcissism.
1. an exceptional interest in and admiration for yourself
e.g. self-love that shut out everyone else