1. 南天竹:nance 娘娘腔 | nandin 南天竹 | nanism 矮小
2. 愉快;湿婆的追随者 男性 印度:Nanda 或许,可能 男性 德国 | Nandin 愉快;湿婆的追随者 男性 印度 | Nanne 优雅 男性 斯堪地纳维亚
3. 天竺:Garuda 迦娄罗 | Nandin 天竺 | Ashvinau 亚希文
1. Autonomous language teaching is facilitated with the developmentofartificialintelligence, digitizatio nandin
2. Volcanic isle; Volcanic neck; Nandin Isle; Taiwan Strait
3. When the sea level elevated and the transgsession came to Taiwan Strait, Nandin Isle was acted by the predominat wind EN and gale erosion violent.