第三人称复数:nail varnishes
1. 指甲油,趾甲油:transitive closure 传递闭包 | nail varnish 指甲油,趾甲油 | half measures (不彻底的)折中办法
2. 指甲油:指甲艺术 nail art | 指甲油 nail varnish | 指甲油底色 nail primer
3. 指甲油幸福厨房食谱:chest:胸部 | nail varnish:指甲油幸福厨房食谱 | topsy-turvy;heels over head:七颠八倒
1. nail varnish
1. She found out about the nail varnish by reading it in the press.
1. a cosmetic lacquer that dries quickly and that is applied to the nails to color them or make them shiny
Synonym: nail polish nail enamel