
mysterious [mɪˈstɪəriəs]  [mɪˈstɪriəs] 

mysterious 基本解释


形容词玄妙; 神秘的,诡秘的; 难以理解的,不可思议的; 魔

mysterious 相关例句


1. A mysterious light came from the deserted house.

2. He is being very mysterious about his future plans.

3. They're being very mysterious about their holiday plans.

mysterious 网络解释

1. 神秘的:另外,MIT还代表着Mysterious Incredible Terminator的意思,译为中文是:神秘的(Mysterious)不可思议的(Incredible)终结者(Terminator). 在电视剧<<霹雳MIT>>中用过.

2. 神秘:◆影片内型:恐怖(Action)/惊悚(Thriller)/神秘(Mysterious)观众不知本片是<<死神来了>>(Final Destination)的续集,影片的开场全盘照搬--主角一样预传说公元三世纪时,古罗马有一位暴君叫克劳多斯( Claudius).

3. 与:mobile 可动的,活动地 | ★mysterious与mystical | mysterious 神秘的

4. 神秘的,可疑的,难理解的:mutual 相互的,共同的 | mysterious 神秘的,可疑的,难理解的 | mystery 神秘

mysterious 词典解释

1. 神秘的;难以理解的
    Someone or something that is mysterious is strange and is not known about or understood.

    e.g. He died in mysterious circumstances...
    e.g. A mysterious illness confined him to bed for over a month...

A couple of messages had mysteriously disappeared.

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2. 爱故弄玄虚的;神秘的
    If someone is mysterious about something, they deliberately do not talk much about it, sometimes because they want to make people more interested in it.

    e.g. As for his job — well, he was very mysterious about it.

Asked what she meant, she said mysteriously: 'Work it out for yourself'.
mysterious 单语例句

1. It's a bit mysterious why dialing this magic number reduces your call's cost.

2. A detective uncovers unexpected links to his own personal life as he probes the mysterious death of " Superman " actor George Reeves in 1959.

3. Placing babies on their backs to sleep is the best advice for preventing SIDS, a still mysterious cause of death.

4. Meng says in order to lift the bronze drum with his teeth he needs to chant a mysterious incantation.

5. At one point Charlie became famous for drinking a mysterious concoction known as Tiger Blood, and that period is one he admits is " silly ".

6. So I inadvertently convinced 28 floors of residents that I had found a mysterious hunting cheetah loose in their building.

7. mysterious

7. The country's detention centers have been in the eye of storm in recent months, with a number of inmates dying in police custody under mysterious circumstances.

8. The country's detention centers have been in the eye of storm in recent months, with a number of inmates dying under mysterious circumstances in police custody.

9. Travel agents said the tour is most attractive to the elderly people, who " feel close to and curious about the friendly yet mysterious neighbor ".

10. Upon investigation, she found Li had very close relationships with many mysterious men.
