


mutations 网络解释

1. 突变:这个做过电台司令<>(OK Computer)和贝克<<突变>>(Mutations)的人物,自然不是等闲之辈,保罗看来是非常的满意. 老男人除了继续在音符中谈情说爱外,也加入了不少关于反战、友谊、名利场等话题的沉思,把切切的情绪都印压进他吐出的每个单词之中.

2. 变异:端出来的却仍然是堪与精美年历甚至婚纱摄影集媲美的设计文本,而设计院能干的建筑师们哪一个不是手中有几个工程同时进行呢?关于这一点,雷姆.库哈斯在他那本新书<<变异>>(Mutations)中作了一个颇为精确的计算:中国建筑师用最低的费用在最短的

3. 变种:Cigarette beetle烟草甲虫 | Mutations变种 | Startle震惊

mutations 单语例句

1. It is making steady mutations that scientists say could allow it to spread easily from person to person and cause a catastrophic global pandemic.

2. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

2. It is also establishing a central monitoring system for signs of PRRS virus mutations, which should be completed by the end of June.

3. While all the women carried the mutations, not all developed breast cancer.

4. " Mutations were almost inevitable in influenza viruses, " Shu said.

5. mutations的近义词

5. Norwegian scientists have analyzed samples from more than 70 patients, but only in three have mutations been detected.

6. mutations的近义词

6. The Norwegian Institute of Public Health also said it had detected mutations in three positive samples.

7. Health officials did not make an announcement to the public earlier because the mutations carried too little public health significance.

8. Genetic drift is a term that refers to random mutations in genes, as opposed to changes that occur through natural selection.

9. mutations的意思

9. If the study revealed that mutations would be a threat, the WHO would advise the governments of all countries to adjust their measures.

10. A bigger percentage of mutations means breeders have a wider choice to find their desired traits.
