
must [məst]  [mʌst] 





must 基本解释

助动词必须; 必然要; (做出逻辑推断); (表示坚持)

名词必须做的事,必不可少的事物; 葡萄汁; 霉臭; 麝香

及物/不及物动词得; (表示必要或很重要)必须; (提出建议)应该; (表示很可能或符合逻辑)一定

形容词不可或缺的; 狂暴的

must 相关例句


1. You must do as you are told.

2. You mustn't talk like that.

3. You must be tired after your long journey.

4. You must not do it.

must 情景对话



A:Hello. Is Susan there?


A:Li Ming.

B:You must have the wrong number.

A:Oh, I'm sorry.


A:Is this my meal?

B:What did you order?

A:The fried scallops.

B:Oh, sorry. There must be some mistake.

A:Would you get me some more water, please?



A:Well, I must be off now. I have an appointment at six.

B:In that case, I won’t keep you any longer. Drop in any time.

A:OK. Goodbye.

B:See you later.

must 网络解释


1. 一定要:应该(SHOULD)给与客户端正收到一个空的消息正文,此时一定不能(MUSTNOT)给任何接受方发送任何消息.(6).对不能识别的命令一定不能(MUSTNOT)缓存.(7).当本地的TCP输入缓冲区为空时,一定要(MUST)立即发送所有待发的

2. must:malnutrition universal screening tool; 营养不良普遍筛选工具

must 词典解释
Must is a modal verb. It is followed by the base form of a verb.
The noun is pronounced /mʌst/. 名词读作 /mʌst/。

1. 必须;一定要
    You use must to indicate that you think it is very important or necessary for something to happen. You use must not or mustn't to indicate that you think it is very important or necessary for something not to happen.

    e.g. What you wear should be stylish and clean, and must definitely fit well...
    e.g. You are going to have to take a certain amount of criticism, but you must cope with it...

2. (通常因为规定或法律)必须,应当
    You use must to indicate that it is necessary for something to happen, usually because of a rule or law.

    e.g. Candidates must satisfy the general conditions for admission...
    e.g. Mr Allen must pay Mr Farnham's legal costs...

3. (用于表示肯定推测)一定,谅必
    You use must to indicate that you are fairly sure that something is the case.

    e.g. At 29 Russell must be one of the youngest ever Wembley referees...
    e.g. Reggae must be the only music that's got its own country — Jamaica...

4. 911查询·英语单词

4. (用于表示据已知情况推测)很可能是,想必是,肯定是
    You use must, or must have with a past participle, to indicate that you believe that something is the case, because of the available evidence.

    e.g. 'You must be Emma,' said the visitor...
    e.g. Miss Holloway had a weak heart. She must have had a heart attack...

5. (用于表示前者为后者的前提)应该已经(发生)
    If you say that one thing must have happened in order for something else to happen, you mean that it is necessary for the first thing to have happened before the second thing can happen.

    e.g. In order to take that job, you must have left another job...
    e.g. In order to start reading this book you must have had some idea that the physical symptoms you were experiencing were due to anxiety.

6. (用于表示意图)一定要,坚持要
    You use must to express your intention to do something.

    e.g. I must be getting back...
    e.g. I must have a whiskey...

7. (用于表示建议或邀请)务必,一定要
    You use must to make suggestions or invitations very forcefully.

    e.g. You must see a doctor, Frederick...
    e.g. You must see the painting Paul has given me as a wedding present...

8. (用于表示同情)必定,想必
    You use must in remarks and comments where you are expressing sympathy.

    e.g. This must be a very difficult job for you...
    e.g. You must be very worried by now...

9. (用于强调)我得说/我得承认
    You use must in conversation in expressions such as 'I must say' and 'I must admit' in order to emphasize a point that you are making.

    e.g. This came as a surprise, I must say...
    e.g. I must admit I like looking feminine...

10. (用于引起读者或听众的注意)一定要注意/一定记住
      You use must in expressions such as 'it must be noted' and 'it must be remembered' in order to draw the reader's or listener's attention to what you are about to say.

      e.g. It must be noted, however, that not all British and American officers carried out orders...
      e.g. It must be stated that this illness is one of the most complex conditions known to man.

11. (用于问句中表示生气)偏偏,非要
      You use must in questions to express your anger or irritation about something that someone has done, usually because you do not understand their behaviour.

      e.g. Why must you do everything as if you have to win?...
      e.g. Why must she inter-rupt?...

12. (用于感叹句,表示惊讶或震惊)一定是,准是
      You use must in exclamations to express surprise or shock.

      e.g. 'Go! Please go.' — 'You must be joking!'...
      e.g. I really must be quite mad!...

13. 必不可少的事物;一定要做的事
      If you refer to something as a must, you mean that it is absolutely necessary.

      e.g. The new 37th issue of National Savings Certificates is a must for any taxpayer...
      e.g. A must is a visit to the fascinating and world-renowned Motor Museum.

14. 如果你一定要(这样做的话)
      You say 'if you must' when you know that you cannot stop someone doing something that you think is wrong or stupid.

      e.g. If you must be in the sunlight, use the strongest filter cream you can get...
      e.g. 'Could I have a word?' — 'Oh dear, if you must.'...

15. 如果你一定想要知道的话
      You say 'if you must know' when you tell someone something that you did not want them to know and you want to suggest that you think they were wrong to ask you about it.

      e.g. 'Why don't you wear your jogging shorts Mum?' — 'Well, my legs are too skinny, if you must know.'
      e.g. 'You told him you'd been there that night.' — 'If you must know, yes.'

must 单语例句

1. Foreign advertising agencies must forge closer understanding of local business culture to stay in the game.

2. must是什么意思

2. Those who engage in commercial insurance business must be insurance companies established in accordance with this Law.

3. The applicant must have a registered capital of at least 300 million yuan and a history of business operation for at least three years.

4. But we must not allow negligence and false optimism to rob us of the will to act.

5. Business schools in this hierarchical structure must give out a portion of revenue to its superior university.

6. must的翻译

6. Abbas must act against militants in the next two or three weeks or the peace process will freeze.

7. must的意思

7. Gao told China Business Weekly the step is a must for the banks as they continue their shareholding reforms.

8. But then I noticed the other passengers were so calm, they must have encountered it before.

9. Robots currently being used in households are reliant on button pushing, but Schulz feels this must be carried further so communication becomes more natural.

10. Both men readily agreed Congress must act soon to prevent millions of Americans from losing their jobs and homes.

must 英英释义


1. the quality of smelling or tasting old or stale or mouldy

    Synonym: mustiness moldiness

2. grape juice before or during fermentation

3. a necessary or essential thing

    e.g. seat belts are an absolute must
