
mussels ['mʌslz]  ['mʌslz] 


mussels 基本解释
贻贝,蚌类( mussel的名词复数 );
mussels 网络解释

1. 贻贝:这种满布藤壶(Barnacles)与贻贝(Mussels)的岩岸拥有各种海洋生物. 参与生态解说步行者,鼓励搭乘公车. 开车者可以先将车子停靠在卑斯大学路边,七号门对面停车场,或是的 考古人类学博物馆(Museum of Anthropology)停车场.

2. 淡菜:鱼是冰岛人的主要食物,你可以在传统市场买到新鲜的鱼或者也有已经煮好煎好的鱼,烤的炸的也都很不错,另外,龙虾,虾子,生豪,淡菜(Mussels),在冰岛的外海产量也是相当丰富,旅客可以在Hofn买到,或者在餐厅点,

3. 青口:记者周四採访时刚好推介爱德华王子岛的特产,除了即场有烹调好的该省的海产青口(mussels),供来宾试食之外,观众又可以穿起着名长篇小说<<红髮安妮>>(Anne of Green Gables)主角的服装,以及戴上红色假髮拍照;大会事后会把照片电邮给相关游客,

4. 蚌类、黑色、椭圆形、没壳的是淡菜:Oysters 牡犡 | Mussels 蚌类、黑色、椭圆形、没壳的是淡菜 | Crab 螃蟹

mussels 单语例句

1. Discard any mussels with broken shells, as well as any that are not tightly closed.

2. The female seafood vendor taught us how to distinguish between wild mussels and farmed ones, and gave us great tips about picking the right fish.

3. She said scientists tested plankton for the Asian green mussels'DNA from water samples gathered by dragging a big net around the port.

4. Here's a modified version of Barramundi fish with Mussels to make at home.

5. Apple compote is served to degrease the liver sausage, while mussels in white wine are nice to eat along with garlic bread.

6. Snow crab legs and sea crabs are beautifully displayed on ice, along with prawns and mussels.

7. Eat bottom dwellers such as oysters, mussels and lobster that were raised at sea farms.

8. " It's been effective with the Asian green mussels in Cairns, " she told Australian Associated Press.

9. mussels

9. At 50 yuan you could have all the mussels you can eat and a glass of French wine for 25 yuan.


10. But don't expect to find anything other than fish, mussels and fruits of the sea in the surrounding shops and restaurants.
