
mull [mʌl]  [mʌl] 







mull 基本解释


及物动词深思熟虑; (加糖,香料等)烫热(酒等); 磨碎

名词混乱; 细软薄布

mull 相关例句


1. I haven't decided when to set off; I'm mulling it over.

mull 网络解释

1. 思考:奉承 flurry 困惑--此事听起来 flurry flack 严厉批评--缺乏的是 严厉批评 助词:前面唱歌(g)的是海鸥 (gull) ,海鸥喝(h)水用硬壳 (hull) ,拉(l)住海鸥快安静 (lull) ,飞到后山(m)去思考 (mull) ,海鸥不(b)同意变公牛(bull) ,

2. 麦尔纱:37. 巴厘纱:VOILE | 38. 麦尔纱:MULL | 39. 防绒布:DOWN-PROOF FABRIC

3. 软布:Mules's scoop 谬耳斯氏眼刮匙 | mull 软布 | mulla 药布

4. 仔细考虑:lull 使安静 | mull 仔细考虑 | null 无效的

mull 词典解释

1. 仔细考虑;反复思考
    If you mull something, you think about it for a long time before deciding what to do.

    e.g. Last month, a federal grand jury began mulling evidence in the case...
    e.g. Do you know why he was mulling and hesitating?

相关词组:mull over

mull 单语例句

1. The two countries will mull further expansion of their cooperation on electricity, including the construction of power plants in Russia.

2. mull的翻译

2. The participants to the annual sessions of China's top legislature and advisory body will mull over the hot topic of building a new countryside.

3. That case discouraged quite a lot of Chinese businessmen that mull for investment in the world's largest economy.

4. The Russian president missed no opportunity to urge NATO to mull over Russia's proposal to map out a new European security treaty.

5. " We began to mull over an appeal three years ago, " he said.

6. mull

6. An unanimous opinion from the forum showed China should mull its population policy in a more scientific way and seek a proper resolution.

7. Crude has crisscrossed the $ 80 level for the last few weeks as investors mull weak US consumer demand and a volatile dollar.

8. This word comes as the nation's new first family continues to mull its choice of a dog for the White House.

9. Education experts and officials from China and Germany gathered in Hamburg late last month to mull over ways of furthering bilateral education cooperation.

10. Many prefer this second version, saying it leaves viewers to mull the questions raised in the film.

mull 英英释义


1. a term used in Scottish names of promontories

    e.g. the Mull of Kintyre


1. reflect deeply on a subject

    e.g. I mulled over the events of the afternoon
           philosophers have speculated on the question of God for thousands of years
           The scientist must stop to observe and start to excogitate

    Synonym: chew over think over meditate ponder excogitate contemplate muse reflect mull over ruminate speculate

2. heat with sugar and spices to make a hot drink

    e.g. mulled cider
