
muddled [ˈmʌdld]  [ˈmʌdl:d] 




muddled 基本解释
混乱的;糊涂的;头脑昏昏然的;弄乱,弄糟( muddle的过去式);使糊涂;对付,混日子;
muddled 网络解释

1. 乱序的:morphology 形态 | muddled 乱序的 | OHP overhead projector 投影仪

2. 杂乱:1. 形容词 [没有秩序的] disorderly | 杂乱 : muddled | 混乱 : confused

3. 昏沉:昏暗的loweringrayless | 昏沉muddled | 昏倒cataplexy

4. 糊:含 contain; keep in the mouth; to suck on | 糊 to paste; a paste; cream; muddled | 带 band; belt; ribbon; carry; bring; take along; bring up (kids)

muddled 单语例句

1. muddled

1. The melodies melt away into intangibles, a morass of muddled instrument delivery and songwriting that has succumbed to vagaries.

2. The selected cocktails feature the finest Italian spirits complete with freshly muddled fruits, as well as a diverse array of wines from Italy.

3. This decision was muddled by the fact that China will limit cement industry capacity.

4. " I don't think there's any muddled message here, " Biden said.

5. muddled在线翻译

5. Many have complained about excessive prices charged by the agents and muddled industrial standards.

6. Auditing officials checked the committee's revenue accounts and found many muddled transactions.

7. His past may be muddled, but Bourne is always two steps ahead of his pursuers.

8. muddled的近义词

8. The future of Dario Conca at Guangzhou Evergrande appears to be as muddled as ever.

9. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

9. The main factors that will allow monetary policy to be loosened are a more benign outlook for inflation and a muddled outlook for growth.

muddled 英英释义


1. confused and vague
    used especially of thinking

    e.g. muddleheaded ideas
           your addled little brain
           woolly thinking
           woolly-headed ideas

    Synonym: addled befuddled muzzy woolly wooly woolly-headed wooly-minded
