
mounted [ˈmaʊntɪd]  ['mauntɪd] 






mounted 基本解释


形容词骑在马[自行车]上的; 安装好的; 裱好的

动词登上,骑上( mount的过去式和过去分词); 增加,上升; 上演; 准备

mounted 网络解释


1. 安装好的:这个程序本来应该在安装好的(mounted)和活动的文件系统上运行,但事实上并非如此. 因为超级块(superblock)并不是保持在高速缓冲区中,所以该程序只有当它运行在未安装好的(dismounted)丈件系统中时才有效. 如果运行于根丈件系统,系统必须重

2. 安装:在UNIX平台上,SPIPE SAP类属通过已安装(mounted)的STREAM管道和connld[28]来实现. SunOS 5.x提供fattach系统调用,将管道句柄安装到UNIX文件系统中的指定位置. 通过将connld流模块推入管道已安装的一端,可以创建服务器应用.

3. 玩家在骑乘状态:? combat 玩家正在战斗状态 | ? mounted 玩家在骑乘状态 | ? swimming 玩家在游泳

4. 在马上:nocombat 不在战斗中 | mounted 在马上 | unmounted 不在马上

mounted 词典解释

1. (警察、战士等)骑马执勤的
    Mounted police or soldiers ride horses when they are on duty.

    e.g. A dozen mounted police rode into the square.

mounted 单语例句

1. Before the kids call it a night, they are shown how butterfly specimens are mounted.

2. Royal carriages drawn by mounted troops of the Household Calvary will roll to the palace in a sweeping procession under fluttering rows of Union Jacks.

3. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

3. The new approach uses a miniature camera mounted on the earpiece of a person's eyeglasses, which projects a minified outline version of a wider visual field.

4. The Chinese have mounted a robust and successful challenge to European and US dominance in solar panel and wind turbine manufacturing.

5. Brazil mounted attack after attack in search of the equaliser but the great wall of Chinese red shirts stood firm.

6. The report found that senior police officers had mounted a concerted campaign to cover up failings in the worst disaster in British football history.

7. mounted

7. On its front was mounted a tank turret and the sides were crafted from concrete sandwiched between steel plate.

8. Workers with fogging machines mounted on bicycles also went through congested neighborhoods spraying clouds of pesticide to kill mosquito larvae.

9. mounted什么意思

9. The new cap would be mounted on top of that connector and have flexible pipes leading up to surface ships.

10. 911查询·英语单词

10. Scheduled to be in place by this fall, the system will consist of speakers mounted on three or four tall poles.
