mount up

mount up [maunt ʌp]  [maʊnt ʌp] 

mount up 基本解释


mount up 网络解释

mount up的近义词

1. 增长:mount the high horse 趾高气扬 | mount up 增长 | mount 乘用马

2. 上马:Let's go.|走 | Mount up.|上马 | Gonna hang me in the mornin'|我明早将被绞死

3. 快走! - 行动:Strike and Dark Star roll call.|攻击机群整队 | - Come on, let's go! Mount up! - Move out! Move out! Go! Go!|- 快走! - 行动! | Here, I got shortwave radios.|短波无线电

4. 增加:4) 增加,变强(to a state of greater activity, force, strength, power and degree.) | mount up 增加 | pick up 振作,加快

mount up 词典解释

1. -> see mount 3

mount up 单语例句

1. Han expected the industrial added value of the whole year will grow by 18 percent, and the total commodity retail sales will mount up by 16 percent.

2. mount up是什么意思

2. While she was away on a charity trek up Mount Kilimanjaro earlier this month, husband Ashley was fined for being drunk and disorderly following a row with paparazzi.

3. The forestry farm on Mount Alishan set up during Japan's colonial rule of Taiwan.

4. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

4. Up to 20 people were injured by hot ash spewed from Mount Merapi, the Associated Press reported.

5. The central government as well as Tibet's regional government have stepped up preservation of the vulnerable environment in the nature reserve of the Mount Qomolangma.

6. The biggest difference might be that the landmark Mount Fuji in Hikarian does not show up in Train Hero.

7. The outcome is that individual costs are brought down while the problems mount up.

8. mount up的翻译

8. Third, he said many families wish to reduce the amount borrowed as interest payments mount up.

9. Xie escapes to Mount Wulong and plans revenge on the person who set him up.

10. She joined eight expeditions to the North Pole, five to the South Pole and climbed up Mount Qomolangma three times.

mount up 英英释义

mount up的意思


1. mount up的翻译

1. get up on the back of

    e.g. mount a horse

    Synonym: hop on mount get on jump on climb on bestride
