1. 汽车:自行车(bicycle)类有高度(Height)等属性,汽车(motorcar)类有座位数(SeatNum)等属性. 从bicycle和motorcar派生出摩托车(motorcycle)类,在继承过程中,
2. 电动车:Freiheer von Welsbach 为他发明的煤气灯白炽罩(gas mantle)申请了专利Karl Benz发明了首部电动车(motorcar)居住在美国佐治亚州北部城市亚特兰大(Altanta)的药剂师John Pemberton发明了一种健康饮料,
3. 电动车; 小汽车:motorbus 大型客车; 公共汽车 | motorcar 电动车; 小汽车 | motorcar brake 自动车闸
1. A senior legislative official has said the Law on Road Traffic Safety does not mean motorcar drivers should shoulder all the blame when accidents happen.
2. A predicted new line every year is music to the ears and the perfect solution for motorcar pollution.
1. a motor vehicle with four wheels
usually propelled by an internal combustion engine
e.g. he needs a car to get to work
Synonym: car auto automobile machine