
motorbike [ˈməʊtəbaɪk]  [ˈmoʊtərbaɪk] 



motorbike 基本解释



motorbike 网络解释

1. 摩托车:根据意大利全国自行车、摩托车协会统计,5月当月,全意摩托车销售注册6.31万辆,与去年同期的5.78万辆相比增长9.2%. 其中,踏板摩托车(scooter)增长9.1%,摩托车(motorbike)增长9.4%.

2. 摩托车或有发动机的自行车:mother n.母亲 | motorbike 摩托车或有发动机的自行车 | mountain n. 山;高山

3. 机器脚踏车:motorbicycle lead-acid storage battery 摩托车用铅酸蓄电池 | motorbike 机器脚踏车 | motorboat 汽艇

4. 毛特搓=摩托车:4 落锅=谁=who's that | 5 毛特搓=摩托车=motorbike | 6 困高=睡觉=sleeping

motorbike 词典解释

1. 同 motorcycle
    A motorbike is the same as a motorcycle .

2. 轻骑;轻型摩托车
    A motorbike is a lighter, less powerful motorcycle.

motorbike 单语例句

1. Mai purchased the motorbike in 2007 but it was stolen two months later when her son rode it to a local cyber cafe.

2. Celestine is said to argue with a motorbike taxi driver on Monday.

3. The report said that the bomb was detonated by a remote control device and explosives were fixed at a motorbike.

4. The father was taking Zhang and her sister on his motorbike to see relatives, carrying a load of presents.

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5. The authorities say the group was preparing to carry out suicide bombings, motorbike explosions and detonate car bombs.

6. Shop owners are more cautious than usual after local newspapers published the fact that the modified motorbike business was illegal.

7. Silence has replaced the shouts of hawkers, the putting engines of motorbike taxis and the drone of cicadas.

8. In the evenings I escaped on the back of a friend's motorbike as we toured the city to photograph the markets and landmarks.

9. A Chinese worker assembles an engine at a motorbike factory in Chongqing.

10. Violence flared up in the area in late November after two teenagers died in a motorbike crash with a police car.

motorbike 英英释义



1. small motorcycle with a low frame and small wheels and elevated handlebars

    Synonym: minibike


1. ride a motorcycle

    Synonym: motorcycle cycle
