
moth-eaten [ˈmɔθˌi:tən]  [ˈmɔθˌitn, ˈmɑθ-] 

moth-eaten 基本解释



moth-eaten 网络解释

1. 虫蛀的:moth 蛾 | moth-eaten 虫蛀的 | mothball fleet 海军舰队

2. 虫蛀本[书]:world-wide edition全球版 | wormed, worm-eaten, wormy, moth-eaten 虫蛀本[书] | wrapped-ridge binding 包背装

3. 虫蛀本:world-wide edition全球版 | wormed, worm-eaten, wormy, moth-eaten 虫蛀本 | wrapped-ridge binding 包背装

4. 蛀坏了的:moth ball ==> 卫生球 | moth eaten ==> 蛀坏了的 | moth fly ==> 蛾蝇,毛蠓

moth-eaten 词典解释

1. moth-eaten

1. (衣服)虫蛀的,有蛀洞的
    Moth-eaten clothes look very old and have holes in them.

    e.g. ...a moth-eaten leopardskin jacket.

2. moth-eaten

2. 老掉牙的;陈旧的
    If you describe something as moth-eaten, you mean that it seems unattractive or useless because it is old or has been used too much.

    e.g. We drove through a somewhat moth-eaten deer park...
    e.g. This strategy looks increasingly moth-eaten.

moth-eaten 英英释义



1. lacking originality or spontaneity
    no longer new

    e.g. moth-eaten theories about race
           stale news

    Synonym: cold stale dusty

2. worn or eaten away by (or as if by) moths

    e.g. moth-eaten blankets

    Synonym: mothy

3. showing signs of wear and tear

    e.g. a ratty old overcoat
           shabby furniture
           an old house with dirty windows and tatty curtains

    Synonym: ratty shabby tatty
