
mosques ['mɒsks]  ['mɒsks] 


mosques 基本解释
清真寺;伊斯兰教寺院,清真寺;清真寺,伊斯兰教寺院( mosque的名词复数 );
mosques 网络解释

1. 清真寺:作为一个伊斯兰教占主宰地位的国家,土耳其的清真寺(Mosques)数量之多是让人不得不惊讶的. 而且,和那些海湾地区的石油国家热衷于兴建新的清真寺不同,土耳其的清真寺大多数都具有很古老的历史. 你转过随便一个不知名的街头巷尾,

mosques 单语例句


1. Gunfire broke out sporadically, but then the Iraqis retired for midday prayers in nearby mosques.

2. In Yining City, prayer ceremonies proceeded calmly in the city's 196 mosques Friday under a strong police presence.

3. As the social order in the region gradually returns to normal, all the mosques in the regional capital of Urumqi were open Friday.

4. What Deng brought to the catwalk was a unique floral female knitwear collection that depicts regal Islamic mosques and traditional Chinese temples.

5. mosques的意思

5. They have also targeted the mosques of rival Muslims in what officials say is a bid to plunge Iraq into a sectarian civil war.

6. Israel says it is doing what it can to avoid civilian casualties but accuses Hamas of deliberately placing its forces close to homes and Mosques.

7. The riot left at least 192 people dead and most mosques in the area were closed.

8. Officials said people may not have known they were allowed to go home, and more might come after announcements during weekly prayers at mosques Friday.

9. Fear of Israeli attacks led to sparse turnout at Friday's communal prayers at mosques throughout Gaza.

10. Mosques in Istanbul are ready to hold Tarawih, congregational night prayers performed by Muslims during Ramadan.
