
mortice ['mɔ:tɪs]  ['mɔ:tɪs] 







mortice 基本解释
mortice 网络解释

1. 榫眼:front 面板 | mortice 榫眼 | neck 琴颈

2. 榫槽:mortarboard 灰板 | mortice 榫槽 | mortise 榫槽

3. 榫接:mortgagermortgagor 抵押者 | mortice 榫接 | mortician 殡仪业者

4. 鑲殼工業營造,修建:68653鑲嵌細工美容首飾inlaid work | 68654鑲殼工業營造,修建mortice | 68655鑲墊奶罩服飾衣著用品padded bra

mortice 双语例句

1. Other companies making their debuts last week included share PLC, the parent company of broking firm the share Centre; Yangtze China investment; and mortice, a security and facilities management company based in India.

2. After the robbery, the police advised me to have a mortice lock fitted on the back door.

3. And here's the fun part: you can't get too close to the centre because you need the strength there to drive the bowl, and if it gets too thin, then that hammered-in tenon will split that mortice.

4. Techniques such as dovetailing, mitre joints, tenon and mortice, wooden dowels were all known and extensively used.

5. Elevated above the ground floor of the building and the chevron slope roofing is group with 5-7 staggered components, symboling the mortice and tenon technology.

6. They made joints in stone, keeping the lintels in place horizontally using a tongue and groove joint, and subsequently fixing the upright and lintel with a ball and socket joint or mortice and tenon.

7. They made joints in stone, keepingthe lintels in place horizontally using atongue and groove joint, and subsequentlyfixing the upright and lintel with a ball andsocket joint or mortice and tenon.

mortice 英英释义


1. a square hole made to receive a tenon and so to form a joint

    Synonym: mortise


1. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

1. join by a tenon and mortise

    Synonym: mortise

2. cut a hole for a tenon in

    Synonym: mortise
