
morsel [ˈmɔ:sl]  [ˈmɔ:rsl] 


morsel 基本解释


名词一口; (尤指食物)小块,碎屑

morsel 相关例句



1. He had a morsel of food caught between one tooth and another.

2. He hasn't a morsel of sense.

morsel 网络解释

1. 少量:Morse 摩尔斯电码 | morsel 少量 | mort 号角声

2. 少量;分成小块:morseequation 莫尔斯方程 | morsel 少量;分成小块 | morsepotentialcurve 莫尔斯势曲线

3. (食物的)一口;一小份;一小:morrhuin 鳕肝毒 | morsal 嚼的;咬的 | morsel (食物的)一口;一小份;一小

4. 一口;一点点:vanity#虚荣心 | morsel#一口;一点点 | commotion#动乱

morsel 词典解释

1. morsel的近义词

1. 一点点,一小份(尤指食物)
    A morsel is a very small amount of something, especially a very small piece of food.

    e.g. ...a delicious little morsel of meat.

morsel 单语例句

1. The truth of using chopsticks is holding one chopstick in place while pivoting the other one to pick up a morsel.

2. Witness how the fruitcake is also culinary history's most maligned morsel.

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. Mutton is a favorite meat from Urumqi to Beijing, and this tender morsel is a prime choice for gourmet diners.

4. So people should embrace the festive spirit to the fullest, relishing in every morsel of fun the Paralympics offers.

5. It is almost too pretty to eat, although we would never dream of wasting a morsel.

6. The first morsel lifted represents career success, the second represents wealth and the third is for romantic love in the coming year.

7. He said that only 30 percent of visiting couples successfully land a morsel in their lovers'mouths.

8. Management says that only 30 percent of visiting couples successfully land a morsel in their lovers'mouths.

morsel 英英释义


1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

1. a small amount of solid food
    a mouthful

    e.g. all they had left was a bit of bread

    Synonym: bit bite

2. a small quantity of anything

    e.g. a morsel of paper was all he needed
