more or less

more or less [mɔ: ɔ: les]  [mɔr ɔr lɛs] 

more or less 基本解释

more or less在线翻译

多多少少; 差不多, 几乎; 大约; 多少不等

more or less 相关例句

more or less的近义词


1. His explanation was more or less helpful.

more or less 情景对话

Easy and Difficult-(易学的和难学的语言)

A:People always say that Chinese and English are very hard to learn. Sometimes I wish I were learning French or Japanese. Maybe they'd be easier.
      人们常说汉语和英语是很难学的。有的时候我想要是我学法语或日语就好了。 也许这两种语言容易些。

B:Maybe, but maybe not too. It all depends on what language you already speak.

A:Why should that be? What diffrence does it make?

B:Well, languages are more or less equally difficult.Most of the things one language says must be said by every language in some way.

A:You mean I could learn Chinese easily?

B:No, because your native language is Spanish. But Italian might be easy. It has a lot of words that are similar to words in Spanish. Even the sound systems are more similar than that of Chinese is to Spanish. How difficult a language is to learn depends mostly on how much it resembles your own language.

more or less 网络解释


1. 或多或少:根据我在BBC<<或多或少>>(More or Less)节目的同事提供的数据,自驾车平均每名乘客每公里排放二氧化碳127克,而公共汽车按平均乘载率计算是106克. 即便在伦敦,公共汽车也平均只有13名乘客. 这是公交系统面临的问题之一:为了吸引乘客,

2. 多或少:根据我在BBC<<或多或少>>(More or Less)节目的同事提供的数据,自驾车平均每名乘客每公里排放二氧化碳127克,而公共汽车按平均乘载率计算是106克. 即便在伦敦,公共汽车也平均只有13名乘客. 这是公交系统面临的问题之一:为了吸引乘客,

3. 多多少少:他最近离开了<<多多少少>>(More or Less)的主持工作,这是英国广播电台(BBC)4台一个关于新闻里的数字的系列节目. 我被聘为新主持人,所以我已做好了接受说教(甚至是更糟)的准备. 我完全是杞人忧天:当他跨进房间时,他笑得很诚恳...

4. 或多或少,有点:many a 许多 | more or less 或多或少,有点 | next door 隔壁的,在隔壁

5. more or less:mol; 增减

more or less 单语例句

1. I hope my Chinese can become more or less native by then.

2. more or less是什么意思

2. But since the family moved in on the bank, death by water has more or less become history.

3. Four incumbent directors will more or less carry on with their current work.

4. Current market trends show voice services will continue to be the cash cow, with revenue remaining more or less flat.

5. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

5. The term " hukou reform " has more or less become a catchphrase in the Chinese media and among China's policymakers.

6. The lack of an authoritative explanation more or less disappointed the participants of the CEE and the public.

7. Campagnac said CMA CGM's 30 weekly services to China will " stay more or less the same ".

8. more or less的解释

8. Almost everyone can name color tones or shades that more or less agree with their state of mind at a given time.

9. Zoos are now emphasizing conservation centers that are less like zoos and more like ranches or a safari park.

10. USTA urged the State Department to hire more consular officers and reduce visa interview wait times to 10 days or less.

more or less 英英释义


1. (of quantities) imprecise but fairly close to correct

    e.g. lasted approximately an hour
           in just about a minute
           he's about 30 years old
           I've had about all I can stand
           we meet about once a month
           some forty people came
           weighs around a hundred pounds
           roughly $3,000
           holds 3 gallons, more or less
           20 or so people were at the party

    Synonym: approximately about close to just about some roughly around or so

2. to a small degree or extent

    e.g. his arguments were somewhat self-contradictory
           the children argued because one slice of cake was slightly larger than the other

    Synonym: slightly somewhat
