

mor 基本解释



mor 网络解释


1. 铁道部:更好的基础设施,其中包括更多可处理集装箱的内陆码头、铁道部(MOR)管理制度和火车时刻表(优先)的出台、以及在国际航运公司采取的创新机制,这种种因素的组合,已经使中国铁路系统的海运集装箱运量大幅度增长.

2. 中国铁道部:在中国,马可尼通信公司曾为中国电信的许多战略网络提供核心的SDH技术,其中包括从上海经武汉至重庆的长达3000公里的世界最长的一条SDH光纤链路之一;它也为中国铁道部(MOR)提供了连接横跨3000公里的全国各地分支机构的SDH设备.

3. 摩洛哥:MLY;马来群岛 ;;;;;;;;;;X | MOR;摩洛哥 ;;;;;;;;;;X | PAL;巴勒斯坦 ;;;;;;;;;;X

4. 粗腐殖质:moorland 泽地 | mor 粗腐殖质 | moraine 堆石

5. mor:mitilary operational research; 军事运筹学

6. mor:ministry of railways; 铁道部

7. mor:morhine; 吗啡依赖组

8. mor:mu opioid receptor; 阿片肽受体

mor 词典解释


1. 中间道路音乐;大众化的流行乐
    MOR is a type of pop music which is pleasant and not extreme or unusual. MOR is an abbreviation of(缩略=)'middle-of-the-road'.

    e.g. ...MOR singer Daniel O'Donnell.

mor 单语例句


1. The MOR has planned to spend 500 billion yuan to buy trains over the next four years.

2. mor

2. Currently, the MOR is a combination of an administrative department and a business operator.

3. MOR'S China Railway Container Transport Corp Ltd has a 34 percent stake in the venture.

4. The CMBC report also said MOR's investment in railway equipment normally accounts for 20 percent of the total.

5. mor

5. According to the deal, the MOR will choose ICBC as its preferential financial service provider.

6. This is the first time that the MOR has released details about the amount of foreign investment in the Chinese railway sector.

7. mor在线翻译

7. MOR has vowed to provide students with sufficient tickets, which are half the full price for a hard seat.

8. mor的解释

8. Dagong recently made headlines for giving a AAA rating to the MOR, which came under public fire after last month's fatal train collision.

9. Chinese enterprises now partner with over 50 countries and regions, and China's MOR has already signed memoranda or understanding with the US and Russia.

10. The MOR warned the railways are expected to face even bigger challenges in February, when people will return to work from home towns by train.
