
moped [ˈməʊped]  [ˈmoʊped] 



moped 基本解释



动词<贬>忧郁地闲荡( mope的过去式和过去分词 )

moped 网络解释

1. 轻便摩托车:国家标准<<机动车运行安全技术条件 >>(GB 7258-2004 ) 3.6 轻便摩托车(moped) 无论采用何种驱动方式,其最高设计车速不大于 50km/h ,且若使用内燃机,其排量不大于 50mL 的两轮或三轮车辆,包括两轮轻便摩托车和三轮轻便摩托车,

2. 两用车:例如美国的规定是限制时速32公里,欧洲对Ped elc的规定25公里,对机器脚踏两用车(Moped)的规定是45km/h;其次,我要从电动车业界厂家的角度来谈一谈你所看到的现象背后的原因,1998年我们少数厂家在讨论电动自行车国标时,

3. 助动车:周日晚上,小教堂开了边门--二十年来的记忆中,它像灵隐寺一样不大开正门,天子偶尔回去灵隐寺,却不会到这里来,所以我看到正门开的希望极端渺茫,除非......--很多人推着自行车、助动车(moped)进去,里头灯火通明,传来空灵的歌声,

4. 摩托自行车:藉口五:除非你驾驶的是像摩托自行车(moped)或单脚滑行车(scooter)这样的低速交通工具,你的车能够跑得像飞翔时时速在160至320公里的雨燕那样快. 瑞典的一项研究显示,将车速减低5%,将有效降低14%至20%的车祸风险.

moped 词典解释

1. 电动自行车;机动脚踏车;助力车
    A moped is a small motorcycle which you can also pedal like a bicycle.

moped 单语例句

1. Strolling on Shanghai's sidewalks is often a dangerous experience, not knowing when you could be hit by a speeding bike or a roaring moped.

2. It usually takes Cheng an hour to go through the food market and after that, she rides her little moped to cover a few more locations.

3. Han's mother pointed out another mark, which was presumably made when Han's moped slid across the street after the collision.

4. They believe a cargo van ran into the moped Han was riding in a bicycle lane.

5. Police discovered Han's body lying beside his seriously damaged moped in the bicycle lane later that evening.

moped 英英释义


1. moped是什么意思

1. a motorbike that can be pedaled or driven by a low-powered gasoline engine
