1. 单片:晶体管结构和低温度预算制程步骤(low thermal budget process sequence) 的变革促使单片(monolithic)3-D Flash预计将逐渐在大容量存储用途取代传统的NAND Flash Memory如MP3播放器,数位摄影和固态硬碟.
2. 整体式:与以模块化方式设计的系统相比,整体式(monolithic)软件要达到所需质量,花费的时间更多还是更少?你能找到一个商业案例吗?是否在某个项目中使用这些技术,或者是否把它们放入你的简历,这并不重要. 学习的过程将扩展你的思维,
3. 单石:这款45奈米、1Gb单石(monolithic)元件基於StrataFlash记忆体架构,与恒忆目前量产的65奈米NOR快闪记忆体晶片接脚相容. 产品架构的相容性和升级弹性可协助手机OEM厂大幅降低开发成本,延长现有产品平台的生命周期,
4. 整体:这是把一个physical switch分割成多个独立的logical switches,不仅原有软硬体功能均可沿用,更可弹性运用I/O传输频宽资源,endpoint可在不同的partition之间互换,以configurable方式发挥交换传输效益,如此可藉由单一整体(monolithic)方案,有效运作多重
1. (组织或体系)庞大而僵化的,单一的
If you refer to an organization or system as monolithic, you are critical of it because it is very large and very slow to change, and does not seem to have different parts with different characters.
e.g. ...an authoritarian and monolithic system.
2. 庞大而无特点的;巨大而单调的
If you describe something such as a building as monolithic, you do not like it because it is very large and plain with no character.
e.g. ...a huge monolithic concrete building.
1. They prefer instead to view the CCP as monolithic and " evil ".
2. The other facilities include separate plants to produce basic and alumina based monolithic and a unit to manufacture special products.
3. Both Khrushchev and Yeltsin brought fresh air into the stifling atmosphere of monolithic Communism.
4. The leadership struggle has deeply divided the once monolithic party that has ruled South Africa virtually unopposed since the end of apartheid in 1994.
5. " I was looking for a way to break down the monolithic scale of modern architecture, " he says.
1. characterized by massiveness and rigidity and total uniformity
e.g. a monolithic society
a monolithic worldwide movement
2. imposing in size or bulk or solidity
e.g. massive oak doors
Moore's massive sculptures
the monolithic proportions of Stalinist architecture
a monumental scale
Synonym: massive monumental