molten steel

molten steel [ˈməʊltən sti:l]  [ˈmoltən stil] 

molten steel 基本解释
molten steel 网络解释

molten steel

1. 钢水; 钢液:Mold Steel 型模钢 | Molten Steel 钢水; 钢液 | Molybdenum High Speed Steel 钼高速钢

2. 钢水:Molten iron 铁水 | Molten steel 钢水 | Moment 力矩、弯矩

3. 熔化钢料:熔化熔渣 molten slag | 熔化钢料 molten steel | 辉钼矿 molybdenite

4. 钢液:钢冶炼学 steel metallurgy | 钢液 molten steel | 钢液定氧仪 instrument for measuring oxygen in molten steel

molten steel 单语例句

1. The molten steel poured through windows and a door into the room where they were gathered.
