






mobilized 基本解释
动员起来,调动,鼓动起( mobilize的过去式和过去分词 );
mobilized 网络解释


1. 发起一个总动员 团结一致!知道吗:a unified front, you know, the female race,|结成一个单一的种性... | mobilized, baby, moving as one! You feel me?|发起一个总动员 团结一致!知道吗! | I'm gonna need a minibar key, too.|请把迷你吧的钥匙也给...

2. 运动的,流动的,好动的:televise live实况转播 | mobilized 运动的,流动的,好动的 | mobile被动员的

3. 调集、动员:medical personnel 医务人员 | mobilized 调集、动员 | mudslide 泥石流

4. 动员:minimized 最小化 | mobilized 动员 | modeled 模式化, 模仿

mobilized 单语例句

1. mobilized的意思

1. More than a hundred traffic police are also mobilized as more and more pilgrims are arriving by car.

2. The Chinese Red Cross has opened a special account and telephone hotlines for donations, and mobilized its subsidiaries nationwide to solicit contributions.

3. mobilized的意思

3. The mission said it had mobilized helicopters and medical evacuation teams to evacuate casualties, adding that it had successfully airlifted wounded civilians.

4. " Europe's civil protection system has been fully mobilized to help Japan overcome this immense tragedy, " the commissioner added.

5. Police officers have been mobilized to join in the cleanup work and the ongoing efforts are expected to run until the end of February.

6. mobilized是什么意思

6. The Fourth Division of the Ecuadorean Army had been mobilized to help clear out the protesters.

7. Following a CMC order, all medical units of the army have been mobilized for the emergency task.

8. He mobilized residents to collect money and turn dilapidated lots between buildings into colorful playgrounds with new swings and painted fences.

9. IFC provided a $ 45 million loan for the project and mobilized a further $ 95 million from foreign commercial banks.

10. Doctors, nurses and administrative staff are all mobilized to receive the large influx of child patients.
