
mitt [mɪt]  [mɪt] 


mitt 基本解释



mitt 相关例句



1. Those are my cigarettes; get your mitts off them.

mitt 网络解释

1. 无指手套:捕手用的皮制无指手套(MITT)并无重量的限制. 但其周围大小不得超过38吋,从上端至下端不得超过15.5吋,此项限制包括手套、绳结、皮带以及手套外缘在内. 手套拇指与食指之间隔上端不得超过6吋,下端分叉处不得超过4吋,拇指与食指间之网,

2. 手套:两指手套(Mitt)只有捕手及一垒手可以使用. 所有使用的手套,在姆指与其他部位之间,也就是虎口部位,不可以有花边、带子或其他设计,其长度应长于12.7公分. 投手使用的手套应单一颜色,而且不可以用白色或灰色. 其他防守球员可以用多种颜色的手套.

3. (棒球)合指手套:ポジション position 防守位置 | ミット mitt (棒球)合指手套 | ライト right 右外野手

4. mitt:minutes of telecommunication traffic; 电信传输量备忘录

mitt 词典解释

1. mitt是什么意思

1. 同 mittens
    Mitts are the same as mittens .

2. mitt的反义词

    You can refer to a person's hands as their mitts .

    e.g. I pressed a dime into his grubby mitt.

3. 棒球手套
    A baseball mitt is a large glove worn by a player whose job involves catching the ball.

mitt 单语例句

1. Republican candidate Mitt Romney has even said he will brand China an exchange rate manipulator his first day in office if he is elected.

2. Something President Barack Obama and his Republican challenger Mitt Romney don't seem to have any answers to.

3. Obama beat Republican challenger Mitt Romney soundly in November's election to win a second term, despite presiding over a chronic economic slump.

4. Republican presidential challenger Mitt Romney also scaled back his campaign schedule in the wake of the massacre and called for unity.

5. WASHINGTON - President Barack Obama Tuesday assailed a tax plan proposed by Republican challenger Mitt Romney as " salesmanship " in the crucial swing state of Ohio.

6. Bloomberg said on Friday that US President Barack Obama and Republican challenger Mitt Romney should both be more transparent about their stances on gun control.

7. Republican Mitt Romney takes the middle class conceit probably the farthest, well into six figures.


8. Mitt Romney denounced the ruling but said there is little the state could do beyond pursuing a constitutional amendment.

9. Republican candidate Mitt Romney has pledged to designate China as a currency manipulator and pursue litigation against its " unfair trade practices ".

10. Netanyahu made the comment in his meeting with Mitt Romney, the Republican presidential candidate set to face Obama in the November election.

mitt 英英释义



1. the handwear used by fielders in playing baseball

    Synonym: baseball glove glove baseball mitt

2. the (prehensile) extremity of the superior limb

    e.g. he had the hands of a surgeon
           he extended his mitt

    Synonym: hand manus paw
