1. 螨类:实际上,螨类(mites)是一种普遍存在的生物,由于它们体积很小,如果不用显微镜就看不到它们,但在各种自然条件或人类的生活环境中都可出现它们的踪迹. 它们可引起人体许多过敏反应如过敏性哮喘、过敏性鼻炎、特应性皮炎和荨麻疹.
2. 螨:鸽螨(Mites)则靠吸吮鸽子的血液和其他体液维生,而且不只在鸽体上生活,也藏在鸽舍缝隙里. 尤其是正当育种期间时,鸽螨白天往往躲藏在巢钵下方和巢料里,只有在夜间才会移到鸽子和雏鸽身上取食. 根据这种食性差异,要成功控制鸽螨,
3. 小蜘蛛:detritus 岩屑 | mites 小蜘蛛 | scavenger 淨化劑
1. When Zhang tried to promote the use of predator mites in Fujian's rural places, many farmers gave her a cold shoulder.
2. mites在线翻译
2. An early experiment on this predator mite in 1997 indicated that it could be trained to devour the mites pestering bamboos.
3. A humidifier helps keep household air moist, but keep levels below 35 per cent to discourage dust mites and mold growth.
4. 911查询·英语单词
4. House dust mites live in all climates even at high altitude, especially in bedrooms and kitchens.
5. mites在线翻译
5. Studies show that among child asthma patients more than 80 percent are allergic to dust mites.
6. Take the introduction of predator mites into a citrus orchard as an example.
7. One suspected source is exposure to allergens such as tobacco smoke, pollen and mites while in childhood.
8. There is no way for someone with allergies to avoid mites because they are simply everywhere.
9. He points out that Dyson's microbiology lab grows and studies bacteria, mould and dust mites to discover better ways of removing them from homes.
10. mites的翻译
10. The usual suspects are dust mites and any pets in the home.