
mist [mɪst]  [mɪst] 








mist 基本解释

名词薄雾; 视线模糊不清; 液体喷雾

及物动词(使)蒙上薄雾; (使)模糊

不及物动词下雾; 变模糊

mist 相关例句



1. The railway carriage became so hot that the air misted (up) the windows.


1. Her eyes misted over with tears.


1. A mist of prejudice spoiled his judgement.

2. She could hardly recognize her son through the mist of tears that filled her eyes.

3. The hills were hidden in the mist.

mist 网络解释

1. 雾:比较有意思的是一部叫<<迷雾>>(mist)的片子,结尾处理的比较有意思,一部小成本的片子排成这样不错了. 最近这类片子很多啊,像<<我是传奇>>和<<科洛福档案>>,但比起<<迷雾>>要逊色太多了. 看晚这些片子的感受就是,

2. 薄雾:演员和工作人员随著与李民世导演卡的喊声,分享著最后的美丽场面的回味,结束了共66次的冗长旅程.4个月来李民世导演和三位主角把光明,黑暗,犹如梦幻般的爱情记忆神秘(Mystery),回忆(Memory),薄雾(Mist),情节(Melo)等多种色彩

3. 迷雾森林:乔治.温斯顿、范吉利斯、尚马龙、雅尼等当代风云名曲,为新世纪乐坛开启一股新清流. 你也将更亲近地与每一位大师心灵面对,体验前所未有的音乐感动. 维也纳森林(Vienna Forest) 阿尔卑斯巡礼(The aips) 莱茵河波影(Rhine river) 迷雾森林(Mist)

4. 霧滴:悬浮微粒依性状与生成原因不同,可分为粉尘(dust)、烟(smoke)、熏烟(fume)、雾滴(mist)等化学性有害物质,以及滤过性病毒、细菌、花粉之类的生物性有害物质,经呼吸作用或循环系统进入人体,轻则影响视线,对眼、耳、口、鼻的黏膜造成刺激作用,

5. mist:molecular imprinting separation technique; 概述分子烙印分离技术

mist 词典解释

1. 薄雾;雾霭;水汽
    Mist consists of a large number of tiny drops of water in the air, which make it difficult to see very far.

    e.g. Thick mist made flying impossible...
    e.g. A bluish mist hung in the air...

2. (玻璃)结雾;使蒙上水汽
    If a piece of glass mists or is misted, it becomes covered with tiny drops of moisture, so that you cannot see through it easily.

    e.g. The windows misted, blurring the stark streetlight...
    e.g. The temperature in the car was misting the window.

3. (眼睛因泪水而)变得模糊不清
    If someone's eyes mist, they cannot see easily because there are tears in their eyes.

    e.g. Her eyes misted with tears.

相关词组:mist over mist up

mist 单语例句

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

1. On Sunday in the provincial capital of Zhengzhou, a heavy mist caused 52 flights to be cancelled and 42 to be delayed.

2. In the early morning mist before dawn, the distant buildings at the end of the causeway to the island loom before us.

3. Taking in the view there, one can see solitary and clustering mountains among the clouds mid mist.

4. A heating coil vaporizes the nicotine into a fine mist, which is then inhaled.

5. The bright sunshine and crystal clear sky in Kunming compensated for the coldness, the mist and drizzle in Beijing and Chongqing.

6. mist的解释

6. Scenery even changes from second to second with the thickness of the mist, which gives you enough reason to come again.

7. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

7. Gradually, a white mist began filling the compartment from the back of the bus.

8. Complaints of the foggy weather spread quickly on the Internet, as the mist and subsequent congestion dampened many people's plans for weekend outings.

9. mist的近义词

9. A group of Expo workers enjoy the coolness of a mist spray area.

10. mist的解释

10. Mist creeps across a green expanse of water in the diffuse dawn light, as a small fishing boat bobs in our wake.

mist 英英释义


1. a thin fog with condensation near the ground


1. become covered with mist

    e.g. The windshield misted over

    Synonym: mist over

2. spray finely or cover with mist

3. make less visible or unclear

    e.g. The stars are obscured by the clouds
           the big elm tree obscures our view of the valley

    Synonym: obscure befog becloud obnubilate haze over fog cloud
