





mirrors 基本解释
反光镜;镜子( mirror的名词复数 );借鉴;写照;反射;反映( mirror的第三人称单数 );映照;将喷镀成镜子;
mirrors 网络解释


1. 后视镜:图一 LIN总线应用领域 LIN主要用作CAN等高速总线的辅助网络或子网络,能为不需要用到CAN的装置提供较为完善的网络功能,包括空调控制(Climate Control)、后视镜(Mirrors)、车门模块(Door Modules)、座椅控制(Seats)、智能性交换器(S

2. 凶镜:因此在经历了四周的绝对统治之后,<<蝙蝠侠:暗夜骑士>>流利(且毫无怨言)地与<<热带惊雷>>(Tropic Thunder)进行了王位的交接;而本周上映的另外三部新片──动画版的<<星球大战:克隆人的战争>>(Star Wars: The Clone Wars),恐怖片<<凶镜>>(Mirrors),以及伍迪?

mirrors 单语例句

1. mirrors是什么意思

1. Chinese trade and investment merely mirrors Western patterns of activity but on a smaller scale and in only a handful of African countries.

2. The fight against terrorism mirrors that convergence of interests between China and the United States and can serve as a catalyst for a strengthened rapport.

3. The ceaseless violence between Israel and Palestine mirrors the reality that the former cannot realize comprehensive peace without recognizing the latter's claims to statehood.

4. mirrors什么意思

4. " The change mirrors increased public awareness of tobacco control, " she said.

5. Circular shapes create an infinite visual continuity, while the combination of painted canvases and printed mirrors leads to spatial illusions.

6. The collection of PNR data mirrors a practice of the United States although the measures would not apply to internal flights within the EU.

7. Mirrors are used conspicuously to give diners a feeling of spaciousness - a welcome change from the usual compactness of most Japanese restaurants.

8. The move mirrors one made earlier by razor manufacturer Gillette but falls short of the full sponsorship cut made by consulting giant Accenture.

9. mirrors是什么意思

9. The weapon would use sensors, computers and flexible mirrors to counteract atmospheric turbulence.

10. Courteney Cox has stopped looking in mirrors - because she hates seeing herself getting older.
