
miracle [ˈmɪrəkl]  [ˈmɪrəkəl] 


miracle 基本解释


名词奇迹,圣迹,神迹; 令人惊奇的人(或事)

miracle 相关词组

1. to a miracle : 好得不可思议;

miracle 相关例句


1. The car ran over the child, but by a miracle, he was unhurt.

2. He is a miracle of fortitude.

3. It's a miracle that you returned at all.

4. That bridge was a miracle of engineering.

miracle 网络解释


1. 爱的奇迹:国际流行乐坛天后席琳迪翁(CELINE DION的又一张最新专辑<<爱的奇迹(MIRACLE)>>. 这张专辑不同於以往任何一张专辑,专辑是席琳迪翁与国际著名婴儿摄影家安妮格迪斯(ANNE GEDDES)倾情合作 ,用温暖的音乐和深情的摄影来共同讲述母爱情怀.

2. 冰上奇迹:库尔特-罗素(KurtRussell)主演的曲棍球题材的故事片<<冰上奇迹>>(Miracle)本周末只取得800万美元的票房收入,排名从两周前的第二位下降至第三位;其它三部新上映的影片票房收入普遍低迷.

3. 奇:美国杜邦可丽耐(CORIAN),三星Staron,LG,日本可乐丽,加拿大创奇(Miracle)彩宝石(Brilliant),诺威石(Neuvelle)(SOLID SURFACING WORKTOP). 人造石是由聚酯或亚克力配以石粉及色料浇铸而成的合成石材. 优点是:美观,防水,可做到整体无接缝,

miracle 词典解释

1. 奇迹;出人意料的事
    If you say that a good event is a miracle, you mean that it is very surprising and unexpected.

    e.g. It is a miracle no one was killed...
    e.g. The Italian economic miracle has always been a mystery...

2. (药物或产品)神奇的,不可思议的
    A miracle drug or product does something that was thought almost impossible.

    e.g. ...a miracle drug that is said to be a cure for Aids and cancer.

3. (上帝创造的)神迹,圣迹
    A miracle is a wonderful and surprising event that is believed to be caused by God.

    e.g. ...the miracle of the Virgin Birth.
    e.g. ...Jesus's ability to perform miracles.

miracle 单语例句

1. " China's economic miracle is over " has become a catchphrase of Western media this year.

2. miracle

2. The Australian asks about the biggest change since China's opening up policy and economic miracle.

3. miracle在线翻译

3. The movie Shaolin Temple was a miracle in the Chinese film industry.

4. This concert has been called a miracle of clarinet, and combines music with stories.

5. China has been trying to clean up commercials on its television stations, especially those advertising miracle cures or ways to attract the opposite sex.

6. miracle什么意思

6. It is a miracle resulting from the combined care, love and strength of the entire nation.

7. The polemics are focusing on whether her case is a miracle or an act contrary to nature's way.

8. There is no doubt the environmental and health cost to achieving this economic miracle is extremely high.

9. miracle的解释

9. The social welfare system created during the economic miracle is proving too costly for a reunited Germany and the demands of the globalized economy.

10. miracle什么意思

10. They have utilized an unprecedented level of Creme de la Mer's Miracle Broth to create a miraculous phenomenon - The Essence.

miracle 英英释义


1. a marvellous event manifesting a supernatural act of a divine agent

2. any amazing or wonderful occurrence
