







ministers 基本解释
部长;牧师;大臣( minister的名词复数 );公使;
ministers 网络解释

1. 部长:除非有证据表明某一证言是不可靠或引人误解的[5].可见,英国司法审查之诉审理程序主要是以简易程序进行的书面审. 需要说明的是,强制令、禁止令、撤销令这些特权令一般不能针对国王(Crown)但可以针对国王的大臣、部长(ministers).

2. 阁僚:帝王Prince of Darkness | 阁僚Ministers | 将军Generals

3. 寺内正毅:tenure of office 任职期间 | ministers) 寺内正毅 | term of office 任期

4. 山县有朋:Yalu, River 鸭绿江 | ministers) 山县有朋 | Yamaguchi Tetsugoro 山口铁五郎

ministers 单语例句

1. Israeli cabinet ministers said convoy talks would be renewed only after the PNA fulfilled its obligation to act against Palestinian militants.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. On Friday members of the business community said they were disappointed by the choice of industry and commerce ministers.

3. Britain's Daily Telegraph published details of claims related to 13 ministers and offered examples of hundreds of other bills submitted by lawmakers to parliamentary authorities.

4. A member of the Iraqi delegation said they were disappointed by the foreign ministers'absence.

5. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

5. Five Kurdish leaders are on the interim Governing Council, and five Kurds are ministers in the cabinet that was announced two weeks ago.

6. The State Council Development and Research Centre and a group of cabinet ministers will attend the event.


7. Saudi King Abdullah Saturday appointed a woman to the council of ministers for the first time as part of a wide ranging Cabinet reshuffle.

8. Most of the ministerial posts were replaced including key Cabinet members such as foreign and defense ministers.

9. ministers

9. The league's Arab peace initiative committee called for a meeting of Arab foreign ministers, saying Israel's announcement showed it was not serious about negotiating.

10. ministers的翻译

10. One of Wudi's ministers ordered local artists to recreate the concubine's image with coloured clothes and project her image with candlelight.
