
minimum [ˈmɪnɪməm]  [ˈmɪnəməm] 


minimum 基本解释

名词最低限度; 最小量; 最低消费; [数]极小值

形容词最小的; 最低的; 最少的

minimum 同义词


形容词lowest least

minimum 反义词



minimum 相关例句


1. The minimum wage is 4.25 dollars an hour.


1. You must get a minimum of 40 questions right to pass the examination.

2. You must practice each day for a minimum of 30 minutes.

3. They want to spend a minimum of both time and money.

4. The thermometer reached the minimum for the year.

minimum 情景对话



A:How many would you like to order ?

B:Is there a minimum order ?

A:No ,we can ship in lots of any size .

B:We‘ll try one case of this .


A:I’d like to open a savings account. Can you tell me how to do it?

B:O. K. You have to fill out this form and let me see three identification cards or documents.

A:I have a driver’s licence, a membership card and my passport. Will they do?

B:Let me see them. Yes, they’re O.K.

A:What’s the minimum amount I can deposit in an account?

B:You can deposit an initial amount of ten dollars.
      开户金额可以是10 元。

A:Thank you.

minimum 网络解释


1. 最小的:一般规则是,最小的 (minimum)策略可以提供最大的可靠性和可用性,而最大的 (maximum)策略可以提高性能. 简单地说,数据所分散到的驱动器越多,性能就越好. 一些其他的最佳实践包括:分配密集的逻辑卷以分隔物理卷,定义所需的逻辑卷的最大大小,

2. 最低:所有单位为加元,工资表为最低(MInimum)工资不包括服役年度增长(国防军工资每年固定涨最低2.3%)总军士长是团级以上的. 有团总军士长(Regimental Sergeant Major),基地总军士长(Base Sergeant Major),旅总军士长(Brigade Sergeant Major),

minimum 词典解释

1. 最小的;最低限度的
    You use minimum to describe an amount which is the smallest that is possible, allowed, or required.

    e.g. He was only five feet nine, the minimum height for a policeman.
    e.g. ...a rise in the minimum wage.

2. (数量)极少的
    You use minimum to state how small an amount is.

    e.g. The basic needs of life are available with minimum effort...
    e.g. Neil and Chris try to spend the minimum amount of time on the garden.

3. 最低;至少
    If you say that something is a particular amount minimum, you mean that this is the smallest amount it should be or could possibly be, although a larger amount is acceptable or very possible.

    e.g. You're talking over a thousand pounds minimum for one course.

4. 至少;最小
    You use at a minimum, or at the minimum, when you want to indicate that something is the very least which could or should happen.

    e.g. This would take three months at a minimum...
    e.g. At the minimum, they must be guaranteed against any form of further attack.

5. 尽可能少的数量;最低限度
    If you say that someone keeps something to a minimum, or to the minimum, you mean that they keep the amount of it as small as possible.

    e.g. Office machinery is kept to a minimum...
    e.g. She has now cut her teaching hours to the minimum.

minimum 单语例句

1. minimum在线翻译

1. For limited liability companies, the minimum registered capital varies with business nature.

2. minimum在线翻译

2. He also made it clear that the business sector does not want a statutory minimum wage.

3. minimum

3. In the context of the global economic slowdown, a freeze on the minimum wage system is for sure an advisable action.

4. The chamber's negative tone came prior to Wednesday's meeting with the Provisional Commission on Minimum Wage.

5. In the mean time, the minimum US $ 10 million subscribed capital contribution shall remain unchanged.

6. The minimum registered capital of a foreign banking corporation is said to be around US $ 125 million.

7. The bank plans to issue subordinated debt to bring its regulatory capital ratio above the minimum requirement.

8. minimum

8. Due to the fast expansion, the bank's capital adequacy ratio has been struggling to meet the regulators'minimum requirements.

9. The company will sell the debt to keep its capital adequacy ratio above the regulatory minimum of 8 percent.

10. If a tightening of margin and minimum capital requirements does not deflate a bubble, regulators can tighten some more.

minimum 英英释义


1. the point on a curve where the tangent changes from negative on the left to positive on the right

2. the smallest possible quantity

    Synonym: lower limit



1. the least possible

    e.g. needed to enforce minimal standards
           her grades were minimal
           minimum wage
           a minimal charge for the service

    Synonym: minimal
