
mimic [ˈmɪmɪk]  [ˈmɪmɪk] 








mimic 基本解释

名词巧于模仿的人; 复写品或仿制品; 摹拟笑剧的演员

及物动词摹拟; 模仿,学样; [生]拟形,拟色

形容词模仿的,摹拟的; [生]拟态的; 假装的

mimic 相关例句



1. The actor amused the audience by mimicking some well-known people.

2. There are insects which mimic leaves.

3. He mimicked the teacher's voice.

mimic 网络解释


1. 模仿:萨平顿和斯蒂格利茨(sapington and stiglitz,1987)曾经提出,如果国家是仁慈的(benevolent)、合同是完全的,所有制就无关紧要(irrelevant),因为国家所有者总可以模仿(mimic)私人所有者.

2. 毫米波单片集成电路:由于微波/毫米波单片集成电路(MIMIC)能够在一个基片上制作出宽带接收机或宽带功率组件,从而能做出重量小于25磅,体积小于90立方英寸,能随1000g冲击加速度的小型宽带灵巧的投掷式干扰机和多倍频程相控阵干扰单元.

3. 秘密客:说起这位导演,影迷绝不陌生,从<<秘密客>>(Mimic)、<<地狱怪客>>(Hellboy)到<<刀锋战士2>>(Blade II),他的影像处理、说故事的掌控能力,愈来愈好. 但如果你拿这些片子想像<<羊男的迷宫>>会是一部怎样的电影,却又大错特错.

4. mimic:micro-millimeter wave monolithic integrated circuit; 毫米波单片集成电路

mimic 词典解释

1. 模仿;戏仿;(开玩笑地)学…的样子
    If you mimic the actions or voice of a person or animal, you imitate them, usually in a way that is meant to be amusing or entertaining.

    e.g. He could mimic anybody...
    e.g. He mimicked her upper-class accent.

2. 模仿;仿效;效尤
    If someone or something mimics another person or thing, they try to be like them.

    e.g. Don't try to mimic anybody. You have to be yourself if you are going to do your best...
    e.g. The computer doesn't mimic human thought; it reaches the same ends by different means.

3. 善于模仿他人(或动物)的人
    A mimic is a person who is able to mimic people or animals.

mimic 单语例句

1. This was designed to mimic relatively normal conditions in human bodies for cell growth.

2. The Color Picker is a concept pen that can scan colors from and mimic that color for drawing.

3. The researchers believe the machines will catch on as technological advances allow robots to mimic animals far better than before.

4. Software that takes a sociological approach can mimic the deductive powers of Sherlock Holmes.

5. Isoflavones are ingredients in soy products that mimic the female sex hormone, estrogen.

6. ETFs are designed to mimic the performance of market indexes and are traded like stocks on an exchange.

7. They are designed to mimic the performance of market indexes and are traded like stocks on an exchange.

8. Newer generation rocker shoes also claim to mimic the " naturally " unstable human gait.

9. Gu admits his appearance was the main impetus and prerequisite for his becoming a mimic of the venerable chairman.

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10. The oils appeared to mimic estrogen and block the male hormone androgen.
