
millet [ˈmɪlɪt]  [ˈmɪlɪt] 



millet 基本解释


名词稷; 小米,粟; 狗尾草属植物; 黍的子实

millet 网络解释


1. 小米:小小米(Quinoa)、小米(Millet)、荞麦(Buckwheat)各一杯泡水过夜,加三倍的水煮五分钟,小火焖半小时. 红豆二杯洗净,泡水发芽,煮软,滤干汤汁,加糖(Raw Sugar)拌匀.

2. 黍:在尼日尔河、桑卡拉尼河、塞尔加尔河、冈比亚河谷地以及卡阿布(Kaabu)种植水稻;在干燥地区种植的黍(millet)长得很好,是萨赫勒地带的主要产品. 蚕豆和其它作物也得到种植. 伊本.白图泰强调指出,马里的食物供应是丰富的:生活费用低,

3. 粟:游戏中的食品共有9种:野味肉(game meat),鱼肉(fish),粟(millet),麦(wheat),稻(rice),卷心菜(cabbage),香料(spice),豆腐(bean curd),盐(salt). 根据mill储存了几种食物,食品店进货时得到不同档次的食品;要调节集市提供的食物档次,

millet 词典解释

1. 小米;粟
    Millet is a cereal crop that is grown for its seeds or for hay.

millet 单语例句

1. What made the farmer especially proud was that these birds only feasted on the millet prepared for them and seldom trespassed the surrounding crops.

2. Braised Liaoning sea cucumber with millet and pumpkin is both good looking and great tasting, with the sea cucumber replenishing the yin.

3. Guests who attended the Expo spoke highly of the taste, color and smell of the organic millet wine after tasting it.

4. As evidence, he planted one mu of millet especially for sparrows and other birds.

5. He requested all the millet be fertilized with farmyard manure and promised to share the money fairly.

6. millet的意思

6. The black vinegar is usually made from glutinous rice although again millet or sorghum can be substituted.

7. Experts also advised parents to feed their sick babies with millet gruel with a small amount of sugar or salt.

8. It is said an old woman once dug a hole from which millet gushed out.

9. millet的近义词

9. They live on noodles and millet porridge cooked without oil or seasoning.

10. millet的反义词

10. Lu and Ye say they plan to eventually try making millet noodles like those found at the Lajia archaeological site themselves.

millet 英英释义


1. small seed of any of various annual cereal grasses especially Setaria italica

2. any of various small-grained annual cereal and forage grasses of the genera Panicum, Echinochloa, Setaria, Sorghum, and Eleusine
