
milksop [ˈmɪlksɒp]  [ˈmɪlksɑ:p] 

milksop 基本解释



milksop 网络解释


1. 懦弱的人:milkpea 乳豆 | milksop 懦弱的人 | milkstone 乳结石

2. 女神的皮肤:Lux 力士 | Milksop 女神的皮肤 | luxury 奢侈

3. 懦夫:193. ready for instant retreat 准备马上撤出 | 194. Milksop 懦夫 | 195. we'll leg it together 我们一起逃跑

4. 小白脸:Lux 力士 | milksop 小白脸 | luxury 奢侈

milksop 双语例句


1. Mother's darlings make but milksop heroes.

2. This was the spot where I was receiving my education; and this was the sort of education; and I am perfectly satisfied that if I had not received such an education, or something very much like it -- that, if I had been brought up a milksop, 3 with a nursery-maid ever- lastingly at my heels, 4 I should have been at this day as great a fool, as inefficient a mortal, 5 as any of those frivolous idiots that are turned out from Winchester and Westminster School, or from any of those dens of dunces called Colleges and Universities.

3. Mother's darling make but milksop heroes.

milksop 英英释义


1. a timid man or boy considered childish or unassertive

    Synonym: sissy pantywaist pansy Milquetoast
